Sage-grouse chicks require habitat that provides both cover and foraging opportunity, which can be characterized by a shrub overstory and herbaceous understory with an abundance of insects (Connelly et al. 2011b; Blomberg et al. 2013b; Gibson et al. 2017). Native plant communities, including ...
When the excavation of the site began in 2009, a grid of 1 m2squares was established. Each square was identified by a letter and a number. The letters grow towards the east, and the numbers grow towards the north. The excavations were concentrated in the sector of the cave called La ...
The capacity for organisms to affect the environment is driven by their functional trait combinations28(Fig.1). As such, the availability and accuracy of herbivore functional trait data is critical for understanding the patterns and ecological consequences of the late Quaternary extinctions, the implica...
For example, if these upland communities are to be maintained in their present state some management will eventually be needed to prevent shrub and tree encroachment. An alternative management decision might be to allow the invasion of shrubs and trees which will eventually develop into upland ...
To investigate the role of cotyledons in early seedling development, we used species of the shrub genus, Hakea, as the model plant of our study. Hakea (Proteaceae) is endemic to Australia. This genus is known for its wide range of seed sizes (2–500 mg) among the 150 extant species...
[35] findings, which showed that the areas with low-intensity fire had three times more shrub growth than the fire suppressed areas. Most regenerating shrubs were perennial and fire-resistant [42,43] (Figure 4). Even after frequent natural and prescribed burns, these plants can almost ...
Lotus hirsutus is a sub-shrub or small shrub growing on calcareous slopes and cliffs, dry hills, macchie, pine forests at altitudes from 0 to 900 m. This species, like L. rectus, has an extensive Mediterranean range. It occurs in Portugal and in all countries around the Mediterranean Sea...