The capacity for organisms to affect the environment is driven by their functional trait combinations28(Fig.1). As such, the availability and accuracy of herbivore functional trait data is critical for understanding the patterns and ecological consequences of the late Quaternary extinctions, the implica...
Greenfield Barren land; Deciduous forest; Developed, Open Space; Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands; Evergreen Forest; Herbaceous; Mixed Forest; Open Water; Shrub/Scrub; Woody Wetlands Table 2. Transaction count by state in final analytic dataset. StateNumber of transactions CA 933,037 CT 34,313 MA 291...
For example, if these upland communities are to be maintained in their present state some management will eventually be needed to prevent shrub and tree encroachment. An alternative management decision might be to allow the invasion of shrubs and trees which will eventually develop into upland ...
We used the BpSgroup levelattribute to assign each 90-m cell to one of water, snow/ice, rock, barren, grassland, shrubland, hardwood/riparian, alpine meadow, dry- or moist-mixed conifer forest, and dry or moist cold conifer forest conditions. The four conifer forest BpS classes were differ...