The large scale Cadastral map coverage in Australia, and the Parish maps of New South WalesAustralia, dubbed 'the lucky country' by Donald Horne in 1964, still carries a residual image of prosperity and egalitarianism. This paper seeks to show how the morale of its rural people has been ...
: desalinationDesalination is bound to take off on a large scale in South Africa in the near future as conventional water resources become increasingly scarce. But what can we learn from other countries where this has already happened, such as Australia?Dawid Bosman...
THE Lower Proterozoic craton of central Australia is bounded to the south and south-east by shallow geosynclinal sediments of late Proterozoic to early Palaeozoic age. During the Palaeozoic these rocks were deformed into a series of upright folds, the trend of which follows the edge of the ...
Mapping large-scale underground environments, such as mines, tunnels, and caves is typically a time consuming and challenging endeavor. In April 2011, researchers at CSIRO were contracted to map the Northparkes Mine in New South Wales, Australia. The mine operators required a locally accurate 3D ...
The issue of poor response rates to population surveys has existed for some decades, but few studies have explored methods to improve the response rate in follow-up population cohort studies. A sample of 100,000 adults from the 45 and Up Study, a large population cohort in Australia, were ...
Most of the abovementioned covariates were acquired from the GEE platform due to its capability of planetary scale geospatial analysis (Gorelick et al., 2017) in addition to allowing a fast acquisition of long-term preprocessed satellite data. The GEE hosts most of the commonly used remote sensin...
This study records and documents the most severe and notable instance ever reported of sudden and widespread dieback of mangrove vegetation. Between late 2015 and early 2016, extensive areas of mangrove tidal wetland vegetation died back along 1000km of the shoreline of Australia's remote Gulf of ...
Understanding the genetic basis of climatic adaptation is essential for predicting species’ responses to climate change. However, intraspecific variation of these responses arising from local adaptation remains ambiguous for most species. Here, we analy
Using a 34-year time series of kelp canopy coverage derived from United States Geological Survey (USGS) Landsat imagery in combination with large-scale, local-scale, and biological drivers, we infer that historically declining predator densities might have laid the groundwork for the observed ...
the mid 1830s, too, that the large-scale import of Australian wool began, to supply the rapidly expanding woollen mills of the Border districts. Of even greater importance for Australia than the expansion of mutual trade were the rapid accumulation of capital in the hands of Scottish investors...