Developing a large-scale software system in C++ requires more than just a sound understanding of the logical design issues covered in most books on C++ programming. To be successful, you will also need a grasp of physical design concepts that, while closely tied to the technical aspects of dev...
一个指导方针:在设计一个函数,组件,包或者完整的系统时,使用最简单的有效技术。 实际上,你可能对C++语言内外都了解,要想成为有经验的C++软件工程师,就必须对该语言有很好的了解--这一点是毫无疑问的。但是对语言的了解仅仅是设计大型系统所需全部知识的一小部分。。。使用最简单的方法来有效的解决一个问题,将是...
Large-Scale C++ Software Design 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 John Lakos在Mentor Graphics公司工作。该公司编写的大规模C++程序比大多数其他公司要多,并且是首先尝试真正的大规模C++项目的公司之一。Lakos从1987年起就一直使用C++进行专业编程,并于1990年在哥哥伦比亚大学开设了面向对象编程方面的研究生课程。
Large Scale C++ Software DesignJohn LakosIt would be ludicrous to attempt to erect a 50 story office buildingusing the same materials and techniques a carpenter would use tobuild a single family home.Experience gained from small projects does not always extend to largedevelopment efforts.Girish Loga...
摘要原文 Preface. 0. Introduction. From C to C++. Using C++ to Develop Large Projects. Reuse. Quality. Software Development Tools. Summary. I. BASICS. 1. Preliminaries. Multi-File C++ Programs. typedef Declarations. Assert Statements. A Few Matters of Style. Iterators. Logical Design Notation....
Large-Scale C++ Software Design2017-12-22 上传大小:16.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 Large-Scale C++ Software Design(大规模C++程序设计)中文影印 大规模C++程序设计 中文影印版,字体还算清晰 上传者:sad_orc时间:2014-06-08 Approximation-of-large-scale-dynamical-system.djvu ...
Large Scale C++ Software Design In 1996, John Lakos wrote a book entitled Large Scale C++ Software Design, published by Addison-Wesley. This book recounts John's experiences u'ith using C... J Lakos - Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 被引量: 365发表: 1996年 Large-Scale C++ Software Design In...
Journal of Systems & SoftwareH. Gomaa, "Software Design Methods for the Design of Large- Scale Real-Time Systems," J. Systems and Software, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 127-146, May 1994.Gomaa H (1994). Software design methods for the design of large-scale real-time systems. J. Syst. ...