How to Care for your DIY Rug I recommend spot cleaning for spills. Since you are using a cotton material, any spot cleaner that would work on this material should be fine. Just dab the area clean / dry when finished, instead of rubbing. For spills and stains that aren’t able to be...
We also note that the better time resolution of SiPMs compared to PMTs (Section 8.2) could be used for an improved image cleaning with a SiPM-based imaging camera. In this study, most of our SiPM pixels have four PMT pixels as neighbors. Therefore we kept the thresholds for the allowed ...
Benefits of the Inga hydropower project have to be increasingly questioned, in particular due to the fast cost decline of solar photovoltaics and batteries. Keywords: renewable energy; Congo River; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Grand Inga; hydropower; Sub-Saharan Africa 1. Introduction Energy ...