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management of time for the speakers (mostly of ministerial level) and a considerable gain of time for participants at large. 一种控制辩论发言时间的新型声 像系统已投入使 用, 对发言者(多数 属部长级)的讲话时间进行了更好的管 理,为广大与会代表赢得了更多时间。 unesdoc.unesco...
It is also possible that this GTDB-tk classification will change as the genomes reconstructed in this study and other metagenomic analyses are added to public databases, allowing these relation- ships to be further resolved. We have significantly expanded the diversity of Desulfobacterota and Myxo...
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ge. DDaattaaaannaalylyssisisisisppeerfroformrmededfofrorananobosbesrevrevre, ra, uasuesr,eor,roarnaanlgaolrgiothrimthtmhatthiantteinrpterreptsrethtsetdhaetad.aStau.cShuacnh oabnseorbvseerrvweirllwoinllyonpleyrcpeeivrceetihvoestehdosaetadaastamaesamnienagnfuinlgfofurlwfohricwhhthicehrethisera...
22.2.2. .SShheaerarGGuuididededWWavaveses TThheeSShheaerarwwaavvesesaarereaalslosocacallleldedtrtarannsvsveresresewwavavesesininwwhhicihchmmooststoof fththeemmoovveemmenent toof fththeemmeeddiuiumm isisppereprpenenddiciuculalarrtotoththeeddiriercetcitoionnoof fwwavaveepprorpopagaagtaitoinon...