Asia’s large and diverse area is reflected in its distinct subregional drug problems: methamphetamine and opioids in East and [...] 亚洲地区广阔、多样,这在各 次区域都有各自的问题毒品中得 到 体现:东 亚 和东南亚的甲基苯丙胺与类阿片;南亚、东亚和西亚的类阿片;以及...
A series of tube lenses (TL1 to TL6) conjugate the pupils of O1 and O2 so that an intermediate image of the sample at O1 is formed at the secondary objective O2 (Olympus UPLXAPO20X). The intermediate image has a uniform magnification of 1:33, equal to the refractive index ratio of th...
By far the worst form of competition in schools is the(43)emphasis on examinations. It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well(44). Obviously, it is neither practical nor desirable that all A youngsters change into B’s.(45)It is top management....
Grade 6 pupils can't read or write — poll. Pretoria News, 26 May. Louw CJ 2003. The impact of tutorials on the mathematics achievement of students in first year mathematics. Unpublished master's dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, SA. Maree JG & De Boer A 2003. Assessment of...
It currently has 1,000 pupils attending drawn from its local area. The school is run by an executive group comprising the head of school and two deputy head teachers. This group reports to a board of governors who are part-time and selected from the local community and parents. The school...
Mikhanovska NH, Sotnikova-Meleshkina ZhV, Ostrovska HYe, Shtryhol DV (2020) Screening analysis of psychosocial functioning of primary pupils at school. East Ukr Med J 8:351–359. Article Google Scholar World Health Organisation WHODAS 2.0 Translation packa...