Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Print this page Jobs are always a good thing and when you have workplaces that employ many workers that is even better, unless of course you are a person who prefers not to work, but personally I don't advise that route. Many companies are referred to...
"The original ad insert of 'Wall Street's Loss is Your Gain' continues to kick butt -- pulls 12 to 15 subscriptions a week. Not bad for a $500 investment made 5 months ago." --Charles Mizrahi, Stealth Stocks "As a marketing professional, for 17 years I wrote my own promotional mate...
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The Times increasingly relies more on digital subscriptions and less on print subscriptions and ad sales for revenue (Lee, 2020). Ad revenue for most papers has been in sharp decline since the early 2000s (Jacobs and Shapiro, 2011), and this trend has only continued into the present. The ...
In our setting, subscriptions and publications are specified using an expressive attribute-value representation that supports both the Boolean and Vector Space models. We use an extension of the distributed hash table Chord to organise the nodes and store user subscriptions, and utilise efficient ...
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