generator, including a microprocessor or other large-scale integrated circuit or circuits formed to generate a sequence of prime numbers beginning with a selected known prime number having a length relatively short with respect to the desired length of the last in the sequence of prime numbers, ...
Generators model family: BERT date created: 2020-03-01 organization: Google, Stanford innovation: ELECTRA introduces a novel pre-training task called "replaced token detection" where, instead of masking tokens like in BERT, input tokens are replaced with plausible alternatives from a generator ...
Someone may finally have proven Riemann’s conjecture which involved the zeros or roots of the Zeta function of complex numbers of the form (1/2 + i) as a sort of “prime number generator” . The Poincaire Conjecture concerning singularities wihin Manifolds (which may be reduced to a sphere...
predicted probability of the i-th input cell being real when it is indeed real, and D(G((xi, si))), as mentioned in a previous paragraph, represents the discriminator’s predicted probability of the i-th cell being real when it is, in fact, a cell reconstructed by the generator ...
Hostinger also offers a suite of AI features, including theAI website generatorin its website builder, logo maker, and writer, to make the website creation process both streamlined and beginner-friendly. Performance and Capabilities Scalability ...
Fig. 2: A coherent microwave pulse generator. a Pendulum oscillation induced by abruptly shifting the suspension point. During the sufficiently fast move, the pendulum globe almost keeps still. However, it is no longer at the equilibrium position of the modified pendulum, thus oscillation occurs th...
3 Large Language Model as Attributed Training Data Generator Figure 1: The overall workflow of AttrPrompt. In this section, we present the design of our proposed method, AttrPrompt. This technique employs class-conditional attributes as an enhancement to the query prompts employed in Large Language...
(i.e., up to k dimensions), a desirable feature for a good random-number generator. As to generating efficiency, in addition to the multipliers, some special choices of the prime modulus p can significantly speed up the generation of pseudo-random numbers by replacing the expensive modulo ...
PhyML 3.038 was used to reconstruct maximum likelihood trees (substitution model GTR+I+G selected using modelgenerator39, 100 bootstrap rep- lications). UPGMA trees were reconstructed using the PHYLIP package (http://evolution.genetics.washington. edu/phylip.html). Distance matrices were ...
The ETKDG combined with MMFF94 is the best-performing freely available conformer generator46. It provides a quick way to generate 3D structures of molecules, which are suitable for the CCS prediction task. The workflow of conformer generation is shown in Fig. 6a, b. Fig. 6: Schematic for ...