More large polyps are seen on screening colonoscopy with deep sedation compared with moderate conscious sedation. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;69(5):AB119-AB120.Hoda KM,Holub JL,Eisen GM.More large polyps are seen on screening colonoscopy with deep sedation compared with moderate conscious sedation. ...
(P=0.000).The ratio of adenomatous polyps,in diameter 1 cm and cauliflower like polyps was relatively increased.Conclusion The indication of colonoscopy test to the elderly should be broader and the whole colon must be examined.The colonoscopy therapy for removing the polyps in aged people is ...
Efficacy of magnifying endoscopy in the differential diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic polyps of the large bowel. PURPOSE: We have introduced magnifying colonoscopy into clinical practice and analyzed its diagnostic efficacy, especially regarding the ability to disting... K Togashi,F Konishi,T...
[摘要] 目的探讨电子肠镜下运用高频电切方法摘除大肠息肉的可行性及临床疗效。方法180例患者采用日本PENTAX3830MK电子肠镜配合olympus PSD-20型高频电烧灼器及附属设备,摘除大肠息肉,并观察临床疗效。结果180例中腺瘤性息肉130例(72.3%)、炎性息肉31例(17.2%)、不典型增生及腺瘤癌变患者19例(10.5%),一次治愈171例(...
BACKGROUND: Adenomatous colonic polyps are accepted as premalignant lesions. There is controversy regarding the significance of the hyperplastic polyp. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of further polyps in patients with only hyperplastic polyps on a first colonoscopy in comparison ...
Failure of colonoscopy to detect colorectal cancer: evaluation of 47 cases in 20 hospitals. Background: Colonoscopy is the gold standard for the detection of colon polyps and cancers, but failed detections can occur and the reasons are incomplete... JH Haseman,GT Lemmel,EY Rahmani,... - 《...
FRANKEL, in Modern Surgical Pathology (Second Edition), 2009 LARGE BOWEL TUMORS Common Adenomas and Malignant Polyps An adenoma, defined as a benign intraepithelial neoplasm composed of epithelial cells exhibiting cytologic dysplasia, is considered the precursor lesion of most colorectal carcinomas...
1. Comprehension of colorectal large polyps electroexcision after nylon snare loop ligature; 尼龙圈套扎后电切除结肠-直肠大息肉的体会2) colorectal polyps 结直肠息肉 1. Analysis in diagnosis and treatment of rectal carcinoma accompanied with colorectal polyps with laparoscope and colonoscopy(a report ...
Synchronous polyps were detected in 67.2 % of patients undergoing complete colonoscopy during EMR. Presence of HGD/adenocarcinoma in the large polyp, localization of any synchronous polyp in the rectosigmoid colon and occurrence of multiple synchronous polyps were associated with presence of HGD/...
Synchronous polyps were detected in 67.2% of patients undergoing complete colonoscopy during EMR. Presence of HGD/adenocarcinoma in the large polyp, localization of any synchronous polyp in the rectosigmoid colon and occurrence of multiple synchronous polyps were associated with presence of HGD/...