Epilepsy, as a chronic noncommunicable disease with recurrent seizures, may be a marker of deterioration or alteration in other underlying neurological diseases. This study aimed to investigate the relationship of epilepsy with brain function, other comm
Mean platelet volume and the number of large platelets in atherosclerotic patients, I.A. Uchitel, E.M. Rogova, A.B. Sumarokov, G. Chernina, V.G. Naumov.doi:10.1016/S1567-5688(02)80066-6Atherosclerosis Supplements
The PLCR value showed the highest statistically significant negative correlation with the platelet count and a positive correlation with the creatinine level (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Our study supports the belief that HELLP syndrome develops with different mechanisms and adaptive r...
The risk of neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders was significantly elevated in the epilepsy population during the 17-year follow-up period, according to the longitudinal analysis. We also identified several brain regions associated with epilepsy, including the pallidum, hippocampus, and ...
Platelet indices are calculated using the following formulae: MPV (fL) = plateletcrit/platelet count; PDW (fL) = the distribution width at the level of 20% with the peak of the histogram being at 100%; P-LCR = the percentage of platelets larger than 12 fL, and; PCT = the ratio of...
Platelets are produced by megakaryocytes (MKs) through a process termed thrombopoiesis [11]. The quantitative and qualitative properties of platelets are crucial determinants of their hemostatic capacity [12]. Albeit the regulatory mechanisms of platelet number and size have been elucidated separately, ...
In-vivo model to assess platelet age in humans: during increased platelet turnover large and small platelets are produced simultaneously 来自 thieme-connect.de 喜欢 0 阅读量: 16 作者:M Wolff,S Handtke,A Greinacher,T Thiele DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1728108 ...
An eQTL for the MEPCE gene that interacts with SARS-Cov-2 protein Nsp8 [29] is associated with platelet parameters [58] (Fig. 5e). Interestingly, platelets are hyperactivated in COVID-19 [62, 63], and platelet count could be used as a prognostic biomarker in COVID-19 patients [64,...
Platelet examination showed that the platelet count in PRP was approximate 1527 * 103/μl, which was much higher than that (near 250 * 103/μl) in rabbit blood. Preparation of M-MSCs/PRP alginate gel Alginate gels can function as carriers capable of delivering drugs to defect area, and ...
aNormal values: AST up to 40 U l À 1; ALT up to 45 U lL À 1; ALP 22–92 U l À 1; albumin 38–54 g l À 1; total bilirubin up to 1 mg%; platelet count 150–400 ( Â 109 l À 1); and a-fetoprotein up to 10 U l À 1. bP40.05 is considered ...