CCI 300 Large Pistol Primers CCI Primers are continuously tested and improved. As a result, today’s CCI primers are more sensitive, easier to seat, and more compatible with progressive and automated loading equipment than ever before. They utilize modern non-corrosive, and non-mercuric initiato...
Google Share on Facebook large-print (redirected fromLarge Print Books) large′-print` orlarge′ print`, adj. set in a type size larger than normal for use by persons with impaired vision:large-print books. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...
I have found that Federal and Fiocchi are using small pistol primers in their ammo. It’s conclusive that large primers give more velocity with all powders tested especially the slower ones such as Herco. That is because the large pistol primer has a stronger ignition on the powder charge....
Ammunition Links Note on the Small Arms Rounds files: These are not totally finished yet, and may not contain all the different rounds that are fired by the weapons on other of these pages. Terms like Pistol, Revolver, and SMG rounds mean that those rounds are by and large fired...