The ultrasound examination showed a unilocular cyst measuring 23 by 14 cm, arising from the left ovary and occupying the entire pelvis and lower abdomen, with bilateral hydronephrosis. An open laparoscopy was performed. The cyst was drained with a laparoscopic puncture needle introduced through the...
The "simple" ovarian cyst: aspirate or operate? J Obstet Gynecol. 1989;96(9): 1035–1039. 4. Mathevet P, Dargent D. Role of ultrasound guided puncture in the man- agement of ovarian cysts. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2001; 30(1 Suppl):S53–S58. Transfundal puncture of...
Intra-abdominal mucinous cystic neoplasms commonly arise from the ovaries. When they are large and seemingly involve both the mesentery and adnexa, determination of their tissue of origin becomes problematic. Mucinous cystadenomas arising from extra-ovarian sites are very rare. They are mucin-producing...
The serum CA-125 level does not seem to have high specificity for ovarian malignancy unless it is associated with specific ultrasound findings suggesting malignancy [16]. Our patient did not have ultrasound findings suggesting malignancy and her condition was complicated by severe anemia. Anemia is ...
Large retroperitoneal schwanno- ma mimicking a cystic ovarian mass in a pa- tient with Hansen's dissease. J Clin Ultrasound 2008; 36: 318-320.Surendrababu NR, Cherian SR, Janakiraman R, et al. Large retroperi- toneal schwannoma mimicking a cystic ovarian mass in a patient with Hansen'...
Patients' demographics, clinical and ultrasound features, CA-125 values, surgical procedures, operative and post-operative complications, estimated amount of blood loss (EBL), operative time, conversion to laparotomy and the pathological findings were recorded. Results Fourty-six consecutive patients ...
Whenever a cystic mass in the abdominal cavity is present, especially asymptomatic, a mesenteric cyst must be considered as well. We report a case of a child that presented in our clinic for mild abdominal distention without any other symptoms. Ultrasound and CT scan revealed a large abdominal ...
During the operation,cannula and pyramidal trocar was used to puncture ovarian cysts wall with a little strength. Then the trocar was removed and the straw was inserted to suck out the liquids of large ovarian cysts. Results All surgeries were successfully performed without complications. Six cases...
Figure 1..Transvaginal ultrasound at presentation. Smooth multilocular right ovarian tumor (15×8.5 cm), with no solid components, no detectable Doppler signal, and the presence of acoustic shadows (dashed red lines with arrows). Figure 2..MRI scan of the pelvis. Smooth multilocular tumor (...
Two cases of spontaneous resolution of large ovarian cysts in newborns are presented. In both cases the cysts were detected prenatally with ultrasound. In one case the cyst disappeared before birth; in the other, the cyst resolved several weeks postnatally. Both infants also displayed labial, ...