Large Movie Review Dataset: 包含电影评论及其关联的二进制情绪极性标签 更新于2011(应该是) 下载: (version 1.0) 豆瓣电影数据: 语言为中文,爬取的有评论,可能要进行中文NL...
数据名称上传日期大小下载 test.csv2023-02-2313.35MB test.txt2023-02-236.82MB train.csv2023-02-2331.29MB train.txt2023-02-2332.16MB valid.txt2023-02-236.91MB 文档 About Dataset IMDB Movie Reviews Sentiment Dataset This dataset containsCSV versionsof the Large Movie Review dataset by Maas, et al...
数据集 -- Large Movie Review Dataset | 聚数力平台 | 大数据应用要素托管与 平台 目目目目目目目目目目目目 目目目目目目目目目 目目目 目目目 565136792 目目目目 满足不同 需求: 领域 数据管理者 数据科学家 科研 、高校教师及 数据分析 者 登录 数数数 数数数数 数数数数数 数...
Large Movie Review Dataset(大型电影评论数据集)英文关键词:Movie Review,binary sentiment classification,highly polar,benchmark datasets,中文关键词:电影评论、二进制情绪分类、高度极地、基准数据集,数据格式:TEXT 数据介绍:Large Movie Review Dataset This is a dataset for binary sentiment classification ...
Although this dataset is large, its content is limited to human actions and movie scenes. It mainly focuses on over, each video is annotated with a main category label task-driven viewing mode, rather than free viewing. With (e.g., daily activities, animals) and rich attributes (e.g., ...
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