Awake fiberoptic bronchoscopy has long been considered the criterion standard for the management of difficult airways because of large thyroid malignancies. After an unsuccessful attempt to intubate with a fiberoptic bronchoscope in the supine position, the decision to switch to the left lateral ...
Computed tomography (CT) showed a large mass involving the left lobe of her thyroid, along with lymphadenopathy (Figure 1A and B) and esophageal compression (Figure 1B). An incisional thyroid biopsy suggested diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Although serology results were consistent with prior ...
The levels of 77% of SomaScan proteins were associated with participant age at sample collection, 64% were associated with sex and 69% were associated with body mass index (BMI). In UKB-BI, the levels of 60%, 68% and 78% of Olink proteins were associated with participant age at ...
Our report focuses on a 78-year-old woman with a progressively enlarging thyroid mass, verified by ultrasound. She underwent a hemithyroidectomy, and microscopic evaluation demonstrated nodular thyroid parenchyma with atypical large cells in an intravascular distribution pattern identified on high ...
Owing to mass balance, every copy of every segment in a genome must either have both a left and right neighbor or reside at a chromosome end. Because rearrangements appose previously distant segment ends to create new junctions, CN alterations and rearrangements are physically coupled in the cance...
2 Surgery, radiation, and hormone treatments may be used to treat thyroid cancer. 3 Thyroid nodule: A small abnormal mass or lump in the thyroid gland. Final Answer: The passage is relevant to the question Explanation: The question is what is a thyroid nodule. The last sentence of the ...
A novel robot-assisted technique for excision of a posterior mediastinal thyroid goiter: a combined cervico-mediastinal approach. Intrathoracic thyroid goiter is an uncommon condition. Most goiters are found in the superior and anterior mediastinum, which can be removed either through... E Podgaetz,...
A 63-year-old Chinese woman was admitted to our hospital with the complaints of neck mass, slight cough and dyspnea for 2weeks in Aug 2005. She had a previous history of thyroid mass in the right lobe and received lobectomy 10years ago. At that time, histopathological examination of the ...
This association between risk factor and disease was unrelated to serum insulin and TSH levels. Additional studies are needed to understand the mechanism(s) behind the association of obesity with thyroid cancer risk. 展开 关键词: BODY-MASS INDEX POOLED ANALYSIS INCREASING INCIDENCE UNITED-STATES ...
body weight,Kactive cancer disease,Lpreceeding therapies,Mprevious radio-iodine therapy,NLatency period to t-AML.nNumber of patients, OS overall survival, t-AML therapy-related AML, ELN European LeukemiaNet, ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, CCI Charlson comorbidity index, BMI body mass ...