lean 1 learn 2 learning 7 leather 7 leave 2 leaves 25 leaves wallpaper 6 leg 4 legs 5 legumes 5 Leicestershire 2 lens 2 lentils 1 leopard 2 less 1 lessons 1 letter 14 letters 50 Leymus 4 Leymus arenarius 4 Liberator 2 library 8 life 2 life fishes ...
blue light exposure resulted in the downregulation of a large number of genes, including many egg-development-related genes, which may be partially related to the reduced fecundity in blue-light-stressed females. This is the first study to test blue light stress-induced transcriptional changes in ...
After a disaster, a large number of people are left without a place to live, and one of the most obvious consequences is damage to housing [4]. Damaged houses require extensive repair and reconstruction. As a result, providing emergency shelter to those in need takes precedence over all ...
The single BIM model file for this phase houses modeling based on common architectural elements, such as walls, floors, windows, or roofs. (c) Detailed model: it considered specific elements that allowed the differentiation and identification of the infrastructure. In this phase, the BIM model ...
sustainability Article Evaluating the Practice and Outcomes of Applying Regenerative Development to a Large-Scale Project in Victoria, Australia Dominique Hes ID , André Stephan * ID and Sareh Moosavi Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, ...