Large Language Models and Games: A Survey and 下方是原文翻译,由GPT-4完成,人工基本校对。 1 INTRODUCTION 五年前,自回归语言建模在自然语言处理领域还是一个相对小众的话题。训练模型仅仅基于现有文本预测文本被认为是主要具有理论兴趣的事情,尽管它可能作为写作支持系统的应用程...
2023-26 Large Language Models are Few-shot Testers: Exploring LLM-based General Bug Reproduction. ICSE 2023-25 On the Applicability of Language Models to Block-Based Programs. ICSE 2023-24 The Devil is in the Tails: How Long-Tailed Code Distributions Impact Large Language Models. ASE 2023-23...
Collection of papers and related works for Large Language Models (ChatGPT, GPT-3, Codex etc.). Contributors This repository is contributed by the following contributors. Organizers:Guilin Qi (漆桂林),Xiaofang Qi (戚晓芳) Paper Collectors: Zafar Ali,Sheng Bi (毕胜),Yongrui Chen (陈永锐), Zizhuo...
Building on these open-source foundations, the community has seen substantial progress in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) [95, 100, 49, 29, 21, 48, 82, 6]. These MLLMs are adept at interpreting images and engaging in text-image dialogues, showcasing impressive multimodal ...
Paper tables with annotated results for TS-Align: A Teacher-Student Collaborative Framework for Scalable Iterative Finetuning of Large Language Models
However, with properly designed problem prompts, aligned language models can still generate inappropriate responses, known as “jailbreak attacks”. Currently, handcrafted prompts for jailbreak attacks are difficult to automate and scale, while automatically generated prompts are often semantically incoherent...
It is this set of sub-tasks, expressed as individual PE programs, that are distributed among the computing elements and responsible for carrying out, or executing, the speci cs of the machine learning model. The burgeoning parameter space of natural language processing...
We may never get to a full understanding but we are always progressing in our models for understanding Life. We have a chance at each stage to play it unconsciously and take it all as real or to peak behind the curtain – to take the red pill or the blue pill in Matrix parlance. It...
[61]. Moreover, graph-based models are used heavily in the biological domain to predict the properties of new compounds, estimate their activity levels, predict their side effects [13], and generate candidate molecular structures [54]. However, due to their irregular nature, graphs are ...
$ ollama run llama3.1 "Summarize this file: $(cat" Ollama is a lightweight, extensible framework for building and running language models on the local machine. It provides a simple API for creating, running, and managing models, as well as a library of pre-built models that...