Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (dfsp): Rare, appears as a deep-seated, firm lump under the skin. Often starts as a small, painless nodule that gradually enlarges. Typically develops on the trunk or limbs. (c) Vascular: i. Kaposi sarcoma (ks): Presents as purple, red, or brown blotches...
The actuating material seemed to lump together in the two optimized designs, which makes the interpretations of a manufacturable design hard. For that reason, the feature-mapping approach seems essential to explore. 4.2. Feature Mapping Approach The final result was obtained using the feature-mapping...
There was a huge yellow–white mass under the temporal superior retina adjacent to the optic disc. The mass involved the macular area. A month ago, a hard lump was found below the inguinal area on the inner side of her left thigh, accompanied by itching and tenderness. There was no ...