I didn't see this when I briefly checked the list of issues, so sorry if it's already been reported. Both libgit2 and git clone spend roughly the same amount of time downloading (around 30 seconds or so), but the "Resolving deltas" stage...
Git clone getsfatal: protocol error: bad pack headererror with large Git repository Raw Cloning "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/repos/xxx" ... error: build error: error: RPC failed; result=18, HTTP code = 200 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: protocol error: bad pack header ...
git clone https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention cd flash-attention && pip install . # Below are optional. Installing them might be slow. # pip install csrc/layer_norm # If the version of flash-attn is higher than 2.1.1, the following is not needed. # pip install csrc/rotary ...
Git must store the entire contents of each version of the file and has difficulty saving space through deltification and compression. Storing the full versions of these files causes the repo size to increase over time. The increased repo size reduces branching performance, increases the clone times...
Git-LFS is mostly to keep the repository size down. git clone normally downloads the entire repository, so git-lfs mostly affects clone. The repository includes all files and all versions of those files, including the deleted ones. If you make a minor Ubuntu update and git rm ubuntu-16.04...
I have a repo which is 1.4Gb, altho the actual code is more like 250Mb. I'm trying to use bfg to get the size down. When running git clone --mirror https://xxx@bitbucket.org/xxx/my-app.git I'm getting: 16:13:59.706806 pkt-line.c:80 packet: sideband< \2Compressing objec...
在$PATH中安装Git LFS的二进制可执行文件 执行git lfs install命令,让当前环境支持全局的LFS配置 # 让仓库支持LFS$ git lfs install Updated pre-push hook. Git LFS initialized.# 让本地仓库支持Git LFS$ git clone https://xxxx.com/test.git
Add autoconf/automake support to ABySS. * autogen.sh: New file. * configure.ac: Ditto. * Makefile.am: Ditto. * ABYSS/Makefile.am: Ditto. * Common/Makefile.am: Ditto. * DataLayer/Makefile.am: Ditto. git-svn-id: https://svn.bcgsc.ca/svn/personal/jsimpson/partitionAssembly/PathWalke...
下载昇腾官方代码:git clonehttps://gitee.com/HUAWEI-ASCEND/ascend-devkit 将ChatYuan-large对话机器人项目的ModelConvert目录单独复制出来: 进入该目录,安装相关依赖: 抱歉,网络环境不好,超时了。 安装时加入清华源,重试: 查看剩余空间: 感觉有点不够用了。
Cloning an existing Git LFS repository Once Git LFS is installed, you can clone a Git LFS repository as normal usinggitclone. At the end of the cloning process Git will check out the default branch (usuallymain), and any Git LFS files needed to complete the checkout process will be autom...