Currently, there is no map for spatial and vertical distribution of SOC concentration in Canada made at a national level. This is particularly concerning given the unique geographic location and landform diversity of the country. For example, the global SOC maps such as SoilGrid initiatives (Hengl...
(a) Atomic model of the rocksalt (top)/perovskite (bottom) map of the STO (002) and EuO (113) peaks for 7 nm EuO on STO. The EuO rocksalt unit cell is rotated 45° with respect to the surface unit cell of the perovskite. (c) High-angle annular-dark-field scanning ...
Background map shows shaded surface (grey) and Vatnajökull icecap (white) topography from the ArcticDEM database77, and outlines of the Bárðarbunga central volcano (oval shape) and its caldera42. Straight lines show segments of the lateral dike that formed and black open circles are ...
G-MACMODS assumes that nitrogen is the limiting nutrient because its demand relative to other nutrients, such as phosphorus, is often greater than its supply in the ocean34. The average N:P ratio in macroalgae is 38:135, yet the median N:P ratio in the ocean is 22:136. G-MACMODS spe...
A total of 4626 SLAFs were mapped onto the genetic map after linkage analysis. The SLAF sequences and the genotype of all mapping samples were given in Additional file 1. The mean coverage of these markers was 63.96 fold in the maternal parent, 92.53 fold in the paternal parent and 13.93...
A combination of geological evidence (in the form of hydrothermal vein systems in exhumed fault systems) and geophysical information around active faults supports the localized invasion of near-lithostatically overpressured aqueous fluids into lower port
[debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.19.0, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2023.07.22, mutagen-1.47.0, sqlite3-3.35.5, websockets-11.0.3 [debug] Proxy map: {} [debug] Loaded 1886 extractors [debug] Fetching release info:
Figure 1. Methylation heatmap of unselected 216 colorectal cancers using the 5000 most variable β values in CpG sites that were not hypermethylated in normal mucosal tissue. Clustering was performed using the RPMM R package. Clustering showed 5 distinct clusters, termed CIMP-H1, CIMP-H2, CIMP-...
We collected GWAS summary statistics for 46 human complex traits from a public database (Additional file6: Table S5). These GWAS are mainly European-ancestry based, with an average sample size of 327,973, a good overlap with HapMap3 panel, a meanχ2statistics of > 1.02 and a heritability...
6). In contrast, the corresponding ARPES intensity map of BL IrTe2 in Fig. 2b clearly exhibits a metallic state with a band crossing EF near Γ, albeit with weak intensity. The contrast between ML and BL IrTe2 is further confirmed by STS dI/dV measurements as shown in Fig. 2c. STS ...