It is based on interviews with relevant staff in five large companies in the UK: British Telecom, Ford Motor Company, Lloyds Bank, Price Waterhouse and Sainsbury's. After a short introduction, the second and third sections of the paper consider the impact of the economic climate of the ...
17,21], we do not assumea prioria balanced distribution of interacting drug pairs at training or at testing. There is no reason to believe that the prevalence of pairs of interacting drugs in the set of all the drug pairs is close to\(50\,\%\)(often assumed in past studies). In fac...
Lawrence, R., Yslas, B.: Three-way cultural change: Introducing agile within two non-agile companies and a non-agile methodology. In: Proceedings of Agile 2006, pp. 255–259. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos (2006) CrossRef Wils, A., van Baelen, S., Holvoet, T., de Vlaminck, ...
(IQE plc Group of Companies), 34 Maryland Road, Tongwell, Milton Keynes,Infrared Technology and ApplicationsA Study of Doping Influences on Transmission of Large Diameter Gallium Antimonide Substrates for Long Wave (LWIR)to Very Long Wave Length (VLWIR)Infra-red Applications. Martinez R,Tybjerg M...