the pectoral girdle on the right side would be pulled anteriorly as a direct result. b. the left sternomastoid would have to be relaxed since the right and left st Shoulder blade region a) Scapular b) Femoral c) Antec...
He offered the girl a hand and helped her to her feet, then patted her on the shoulder with a firm nod. “Still, you did good. Most newbies that come to see me give up and walk away by the fourth bump on the head.” “Yeah, I can see why,” she smiled awkwardly while rubbing...
Feeling a bit woozy from the whole thing, Boxxy simply let its body collapse onto its side, allowing Minic to walk up and affectionately bump into its face. It shifted its gaze slightly to see that both Tick and Snek had retreated without it noticing, and were currently peeking out from ...