As reliable species identification of small mammals is difficult, they were grouped into squirrels, rats and mice and shrews. Rare observations of humans, birds, bats, reptiles and domestic dogs were excluded from the analyses. Observations of the same species that were at least 10 min apart ...
pennata. Its identification also suggests that the late prehispanic environment presented a higher biodiversity than at present, being the modern landscape a non゛ccurate analogue of past conditions. It is concluded that achieving taxonomic identification to the most specific possible level becomes the...
Some wild animals become habituated to humans, which is defined as the waning of an animal’s flight response to humans following repeated exposure to human presence and activities2,3,4. Human habituation has been reported for a variety of vertebrates, including mammals5,6,7, birds8, reptiles...
Pattern-oriented modeling (POM) is a general strategy for modeling complex systems. In POM, multiple patterns observed at different scales and hierarchical levels are used to optimize model structure, to test and select sub-models of key processes, and f
These results have implications for our understanding of carry-over effects. Keywords: climate change; passerine migration; spring phenology; long-distance migrants; large-scale climate indices; NAO; IOD; SOI; Europe; Africa 1. Introduction Many migrant birds have been arriving earlier in spring in...
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