Perirenal fat –between renal fascia and fibrous capsule of kidney; extends over vessels and adrenal glands. Fibrous capsule –dense connective tissue that is part of the kidney. Organ structure renal hilum - open space on the medial side of the kidney where vasculature, pelvis, and...
The length of the large intestine is 1–2 m in man, 6.5–14 m in cattle, 0.28–0.9 m in dogs, 0.2–0.45 m in cats, and 3.5–6 m in swine. In man the diameter of the large intestine is 7 cm in the initial section and 4 cm in the descending colon. The wall of the large ...
A large single-center experience of EUS-guid- ed FNA of the left and right adrenal glands: Diagnostic utility and impact on patient management. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 71 (Suppl. 04): 745 - 753Eloubeidi MA, Black KR, Tamhane A, et al. A large single-center experience of EUS-guided ...
Uncovering Primary Extranodal Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in the Adrenal and Thyroid Glandsdoi:10.12659/AJCR.942659NEW Haven (Conn.)B cell lymphomaDIFFUSE large B-cell lymphomasADRENAL glandsTHYROID cancerADRENAL tumorsTHYROID glandAUTOIMMUNE thyroiditis...
Large scale purification of an endogenous Na + /K + -pump inhibitor from bovine adrenal glands. The Sodium Pump: Structure, Mechanism, Hormonal Control and its Role in Disease, Steinkopff, Darmstadt. 1994:763–766. in.Tamura M, Konishi F, Sakakibara M, Inagami T. Large scale purification ...
Virbac, France) in tom cats. The results show that Suprelorin®4.7 mg suppresses fertility, sexual behavior and urine odor for at least 1 year when administered to male cats aged 3 months of age or older. Suprelorin®4.7 mg is therefore an effective and safe neutering option in male cat...