英国1968年的《盗窃罪法》将这种区分废除,统一采用三罪合一的盗窃罪(theft)之称谓。美国的许多州采用了统一称偷盗罪的做法。偷盗罪在英国曾以偷盗财产是否超过12便士分为重偷盗罪(grand larceny)和轻偷盗罪(petty larceny),这种区分于1861年被废除;但在美国一些州仍按偷盗财产的价值区分轻重偷盗罪。盗用罪,...
网络释义 1. 偷盗罪 The Moon Sang on the April Chair ... ... 夜盗罪 burglary偷盗罪larceny-theft机动车盗窃罪 motor vehicle theft ... soryukaoru.wordpress.com|基于1485个网页 2. 盗窃罪无权 ...的任何讨论一般而言都是关于如下犯罪:(一)偷盗罪—盗窃罪无权(Larceny-Theft)(二)侵占—窃取(Embezzle...
biopiracy- biological theft; illegal collection of indigenous plants by corporations who patent them for their own use grand larceny,grand theft- larceny of property having a value greater than some amount (the amount varies by locale) petit larceny,petty,petty larceny- larceny of property having ...
Larcenyno longer existed in English law, has been replaced by the crime of theft. 在英国法中不再存在盗窃罪, 现在被偷窃罪所取代. 期刊摘选 Those who excavate sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs without permission are punishable forlarceny. ...
Simply in terms of numbers theft is an important crime.doi:10.1080/0735648X.1996.9721527SengMagnusJournal of Crime & JusticeSeng, M. (1996). Theft on campus: An analysis of larceny-theft at an urban university. Journal of Crime and Justice.19. (1).33-44....
theftLarceny 偷窃罪汉英翻译 larceny盗窃(罪); crime of theft[法] 盗窃罪; 词组短语 重偷窃罪grand theft 偷窃罪的指控a charge of stealing 偷窃的罪名a charge of theft 双语例句 1. Police punished him for an offence of theft. 警察因偷窃罪而惩罚他。
普通法上将偷盗罪和侵占罪〔embezzlement〕、诈骗罪〔false pretenses〕区分开来,英国1968年的《盗窃罪法》〔Theft Act〕将这种区分废除,统一采用三罪合一的盗窃罪〔theft〕之称谓。美国的许多州采用了统一称偷盗罪〔larceny〕的做法。偷盗罪在英国曾以偷盗财产是否超过12便士分为重偷盗罪〔grand larceny〕和轻偷盗罪...
theft of larceny 英 [θeft ɒv ˈlɑːsəni] 美 [θeft əv ˈlɑːrsəni]【法】盗窃罪
This entry on larceny (theft) provides an overview of the crime, from its origins in the common law of England to modern statutory crimes in common law countries across the world. The entry begins by providing a definition of the term "larceny" and then proceeds to explain each of the cri...
Word History and Origins Origin oflarceny1 First recorded in 1425–75;late Middle Englishlarceni,fromAnglo-Frenchlarcin“theft,” fromLatinlatrōcinium“robbery” (equivalent tolatrōcin(ārī)“to rob,” originally “serve as mercenary soldier” (derivative oflatrō“hired soldier, robber”) +-ium...