各位开发人员,我想下载多个文件作为一个 zip,但我不断收到错误下面是我试过的代码 public function multiple($id){$files = documents::where('claim_id', $id)->get(); if ($files != '') { $filepath = storage_path('app/Documents/'); foreach($files as $file) { $zipper = new \Chumper\...
$zip->delete('file'); Delete multiple files/directories from zip: // using array as parameter$zip->delete(array('file1','file2') );// chaining methods$zip->delete('file1')->delete('file2'); $zip->listFiles(); Close zip file ...
This is really helpful when you have multiple environments where schemas can get out of sync quickly. <?php use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; // Will create the email column only if it does not exist Schema::whenTableDoesntHaveColumn('users', '...
function uplodad( $('#fromNameId').form({ url:'controllerurl', onSubmit: function(){ //uploda before something }, success:function(data){ //upload after something },error:function(date){ $.messager.alert(data.errormsg); } }); $('#fromNameId').submit(); );
adding multiple orWhere constraints within a loop), you should verify that the first condition is a normal where to avoid any boolean logic issues.If your scopes begin with where constraints no action is required. Remember, you can verify your query SQL using the toSql method of a query:...
Laravel web development service providers depend on Laravel Backup to do their work. All of the application’s files are also securely duplicated. The files for your project are in a Zip file with the files arranged in directories. Among the best features is, without a doubt, the ability to...
For example, multiple browsers may be needed to test a chat screen that interacts with websockets. To create multiple browsers, simply add more browser arguments to the signature of the closure given to the browse method:$this->browse(function (Browser $first, Browser $second) { $first->...
The attach function requires the Zip PHP extension to be installed and enabled on your server.Pressing ButtonsThe press method may be used to click a button element on the page. The argument given to the press method may be either the display text of the button or a CSS / Dusk selector...
The captured location will be displayed on the Pulse dashboard which can help to track down the query origin; however, if the same query is made in multiple locations then it will appear multiple times for each unique location.You may have some queries that you expect to take longer than ...