在Laravel 中,`layout.app.blade` 通常是一个主布局文件,用于定义应用程序的通用页面结构。要在 `layout.app.blade` 中显示计数器变量,你可以通过几种方式传递...
用x-前缀+组件名 <x-layout></x-layout> 插槽 在组件中使用{{$slot}} 调用组件 被包裹的内容就会填充到插槽中 <x-layout> 你好 </x-layout> 路由 <?phpuseIlluminate\Support\Facades\Route;// 默认使用的方式Route::get('/',function(){returnview('posts.index'); })->name('home');// 直接返...
<x-app-layout> Create a new Article @csrf <x-input-label for="status" class="pb-2" :value="__('Status')" />
-- Output:["Learn Laravel","Learn Blade","Build Cool Stuff"]--> </x-layout> 如何使用控制快捷键 Blade 模板引擎还支持多个指令,以有条件地呈现各种数据类型。例如,要遍历传给欢迎视图的 to-dos 返回数组,可在welcome.blade.php文件中粘贴以下代码,应用foreach循环: <x-layout> <x-slot name="title"...
08/18· Modify App Layout To Accept Guests Some of our quizzes will be marked aspublic. So, in this tutorial, we modify the main app layout, so that it would also work for guests, not only for logged-in users. Let's start this by creating a Home Controller.. ...
Applying The Layout ComponentOnce the layout component has been defined, we may create a Blade view that utilizes the component. In this example, we will define a simple view that displays our task list:<!-- resources/views/tasks.blade.php --> <x-layout> @foreach ($tasks as $task) {...
一旦定义了 layout 组件,我们就可以创建一个使用该组件的 Blade 视图。在本例中,我们将定义一个显示任务列表的简单视图:<!-- resources/views/tasks.blade.php --> <x-layout> @foreach ($tasks as $task) {{ $task }} @endforeach </x-layout>...
The ui command will also create a resources/views/layouts directory containing a base layout for your application. All of these views use the Bootstrap CSS framework, but you are free to customize them however you wish.AuthenticatingNow that you have routes and views setup for the included ...
If you are using theVueJavaScript framework without the authentication scaffolding provided by themake:authArtisan command, you will need to manually define aLaravelJavaScript object in your primary application layout. This object specifies the CSRF token Vue should use when making requests: ...
一旦定义了 layout 组件,我们就可以创建一个使用该组件的 Blade 视图。在本例中,我们将定义一个显示任务列表的简单视图:<!-- resources/views/tasks.blade.php --> <x-layout> @foreach ($tasks as $task) {{ $task }} @endforeach </x-layout>...