...本篇文章,结合laravel的Eloquent做了调整,可有效防止sql注入。 示例代码 pluck($referenceColumn)->values()->all(); $bindings = array_merge($bindings, $whereIn); $whereIn=...rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($whereIn)), ','); $updateSql = rtrim($updateSql, ", ") . "WHERE"...
例如: 这将在数据库的array_values表中插入多个数组值。 确保相关的模型类中已经定义了与数据库表对应的属性和关联关系。 至此,您已成功地使用Laravel在数据库中插入多个数组值。 注意:本答案中未提及云计算相关内容,如需了解云计算、IT互联网领域的名词词汇以及腾讯云相关产品,请参阅相关文档或咨询腾讯云官方网站。
$whereIn = collect($multipleData)->pluck($referenceColumn)->values()->all(); $bindings = array_merge($bindings, $whereIn); $whereIn = rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($whereIn)), ','); $updateSql = rtrim($updateSql, ", ") . " WHERE `" . $referenceColumn . "` IN (" . $...
3 Laravel attach arrays of data to pivot 5 Attach extra attributes to Laravel pivot table 2 Laravel 5.7 - Pivot table attach() 0 Populate pivot table with all possible value + extra column 1 How to attach pivot to table with multiple values [LARAVEL] 0 Laravel attach data to pivot...
This allows this developer to // include deleted model in a relationship result set that is lazy loaded. if ($this->isSoftDeleteConstraint($where, $column)) { unset($query->wheres[$key]); $query->wheres = array_values($query->wheres); } } }...
This allows this developer to // include deleted model in a relationship result set that is lazy loaded. if ($this->isSoftDeleteConstraint($where, $column)) { unset($query->wheres[$key]); $query->wheres = array_values($query->wheres); } } }...
(); // Multiple category slugs collection $post->withAnyCategories(collect(['first-category', 'second-category']))->get(); // Multiple category model instances $categoryInstances = app('rinvex.categories.category')->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 5])->get(); $post->withAnyCategories($...
If you would like to retrieve an array containing the values of a single column, you may use thelistsmethod. In this example, we'll retrieve an array of role titles: $titles=DB::table('roles')->lists('title');foreach($titlesas$title) {echo$title; ...
public function firstOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = []) { if (! is_null($instance = $this->where($attributes)->first())) { return $instance; } return tap($this->newModelInstance($attributes + $values), function ($instance) { ...
SameSitecookie with name prefix__Secure-. Proper values forDomainandPathattributes. A SHA256 hash of the string will also be passed in a claim of JWT. Thus Even if an XSS attack sends the JWT access token to an attacker controlled remote server, it cannot send the origin...