whereNull 相当于 is null whereNotNull相当于is not null 举个例子 这是数据库中的lara表 $res= DB::table('lara')->whereNull('uname')->get(); dd($res); 本条语句输出结果为 id=6的一条数据 也就是uname字段为空值的那条数据 $res= DB::table('lara')->whereNotNull('uname')->get(); ...
laravel中的whereNull和whereNotNull whereNull 相当于 is null whereNotNull相当于is not null 举个例⼦ 这是数据库中的lara表 $res = DB::table('lara')->whereNull('uname')->get();dd($res);本条语句输出结果为 id=6的⼀条数据也就是uname字段为空值的那条数据 $res = DB::table('lara')...
1) IS NULL = whereNull() 2) IS NOL NULL = whereNotNull() Where Null Query: SQL Query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IS NULL; Laravel Query: DB::table('users') ->whereNull('name') ->get(); Where Not Null Query: SQL Query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IS NOT NULL; Lara...
使用whereNotNull方法:可以使用whereNotNull方法来筛选出字段值不为null的记录。示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 $users = DB::table('users') ->whereNotNull('email') ->get(); 使用isNull方法:可以使用isNull方法来判断字段值是否为null。示例代码如下: ...
在通过 Eloquent 模型实现增删改查这篇教程中,我们已经学习了如何在 Eloquent 模型类中进行各种查询,...
The whereNull method verifies that the value of the given column is NULL:$users = DB::table('users') ->whereNull('updated_at') ->get();The whereNotNull method verifies that the column's value is not NULL:$users = DB::table('users') ->whereNotNull('updated_at') ->get();...
use Illuminate\Support\Arr; $array = [0, null]; $filtered = Arr::whereNotNull($array); // [0 => 0]Arr::wrap()The Arr::wrap method wraps the given value in an array. If the given value is already an array it will be returned without modification:use Illuminate\Support\Arr; $...
Laravel Version: 5.8 / 6.x PHP Version: 7.2.0 Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.7 (not sure about other dbs) Description: The whereNull('a->b') will generate json_unquote(json_extract(`a`, '$."b"')) is null that doesn't work as expected...
$this->query->where($this->foreignKey, '=', $this->getParentKey()); $this->query->whereNotNull($this->foreignKey); } } 每当需要获取关系数据时,都会实例化关系对象,实例化的过程中调用addConstraints方法。与此同时,在加载关系数据时,可以传入额外的查询条件: ...
select * from "products" where not (not "status" = 'V' or "synced_at" is null) and "products"."deleted_at" is null ❌I notice that the problem happened after I added the "SoftDeletes" trait to my Model. If I remove the trait, the sql returns correctly:select * from "products...