辅助脚手架系统:https://jetstream.laravel.com/2.x/introduction.html inertia:https://inertiajs.com/ 1、安装新项目 laravelnewproject 1.1、更改中文模式 1.2、配置数据库信息 2、安装脚手架系统 cd project composer require laravel/jetstream 3、安装inertia php artisan jetstream:install inertia 4、安装依赖 n...
ycs77_Lucas 未填写
Hi, I am using Laravel + Inertia + Vuejs, below is my dockerfile. My questions: Is it okay to install other packages like composer, nvm, supervisor, etc in 1 Dockerfile with the frankenphp image? How can I run npm run dev or npm run build, when I spin a container so that I wi...
laravel new project 1. 1.1、更改中文模式 1.2、配置数据库信息 2、安装脚手架系统 cd project composer require laravel/jetstream 1. 2. 3、安装inertia php artisan jetstream:install inertia 1. 4、安装依赖 npm install npm run dev php artisan migrate 1. 2. 3. 5、运行查看 php artisan serve 1....
使用Vue.js / Inertia.js和Laravel对结果进行分页是一种常见的前后端分离开发方式,可以提供更好的用户体验和性能优化。下面是对这个问题的完善且全面的答案: Vue.js: 概念:Vue.js是一套用于构建用户界面的渐进式JavaScript框架,通过组件化的方式构建交互式的Web界面。 分类:Vue.js属于前端开发框架,用于...
请注意,我们从 Vue 导入了createSSRApp而不是createApp,我们还将createInertiaApp方法包装在createServer方法中。 我们也不再导入 Inertia 的进度条,因为它永远不会在服务器端使用。 接下来我们需要一个包来完全支持我们的 Node 服务器: npm install webpack-node-externals ...
Build robust, full-stack applications in PHP using Laravel andLivewire. Love JavaScript? Build a monolithic React or Vue driven frontend by pairing Laravel withInertia. Or, let Laravel serve as a robust backend API for your Next.js application, mobile application, or other frontend. Either way,...
import{ createApp, h }from"vue";import{ createInertiaApp, Link, Head }from"@inertiajs/inertia-vue3";import{ InertiaProgress }from"@inertiajs/progress";importLayoutfrom"./components/layout/AppLayout"; createInertiaApp({resolve:(name) =>{letpage =require(`./Pages/${name}`).default; page....
Thats the default for Jetstream Projects using Inertia. Now I get WARNING in ./node_modules/vue-instantsearch/src/util/createInstantSearchComponent.js 41:47-58 export 'default' (imported as 'Vue') was not found in 'vue' (possible exports: BaseTransition, Comment, Fragment, KeepAlive, Static,...
When using Vue with Inertia, you will need to install the Inertia compatible Precognition library via NPM:npm install laravel-precognition-vue-inertiaOnce installed, Precognition's useForm function will return an Inertia form helper augmented with the validation features discussed above....