Step 1 : open terminal point to the folder where you download the laravel-blog. Step 2 : Run the command in terminal : "composer install" Step 3 : cp .env.example .env Step 4 : create database for your blog & set up database credential in .env file Step 5 : Run the comma...
Laravel 项目的默认目录结构中已经包含了一个resources/js/app.js文件,这是 Vue.js 应用的入口文件。你还可以找到resources/js/components/ExampleComponent.vue文件,这是一个 Vue.js 单文件组件的例子。 编辑app.js文件,引入并注册 Vue.js 组件: // resources/js/app.js import { createApp } from 'vue'; ...
Vue.js is getting more and more popular, and good thing about it that it's pretty quick to get started with. Let me show you an example in this tutorial and sample project.What we're building hereThis is our sample project - one CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) for managing companies...
npm install vue-router --save-dev 配置vue-router,在 resources/js 目录下新建目录 config,同时在 config 目录下新建 router.js 文件 importVuefrom'vue';importVueRouterfrom'vue-router';Vue.use(VueRouter);exportdefaultnewVueRouter({saveScrollPosition:true,routes:[{name:'hello',path:'/',component:res...
5、resources/assets/js/app.js 文件 [html]view plaincopy /** * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when * building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel. ...
In this simple project, we won't use any Middleware, the routes are public. So, at this point, we have an API ready, and if we enter some company manually in the DB, here's what we get via Postman: Installing Vue and "Hello World" Now, we get to the front-end. We install Vue...
怎么在Laravel中部署vue 创建laravel 首先,你要有一个composer,然后,你便有了一个laravel。 运行命令composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog创建一个新的laravel项目(具体创建laravel请到官网学习)。 Hello world! 打开命令行,进入你的项目内cd blog ...
在入口文件 app.js 中,可以看到加载 Bootstrap 和 Vue 框架的代码,以及注册 Vue 组件和初始化 Vue 对象实例并将其挂载到指定 HTML 元素的代码: /** * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when ...
修改components/Nav.vue: <template>Nuxt App<nuxt-linkto="/"class="nav-link">Home</nuxt-link><nuxt-linkto="/users"class="nav-
参照 terminal切换到nuxt根目录【没有就自己新建一个目录就行了】 执行: npx create-nuxt-app frontend 选项参考: 安装完成: 接下来: 最后执行: npm run dev 打开http://localhost:3000/效果: Using Bootstrap jQuery via CDN ...