需要修改Admin.vue: <template><v-appid="inspire"><v-navigation-drawerv-model="drawer"appclipped><v-listdense><v-list-itemlinkto="/admin"><v-list-item-action><v-icon>mdi-view-dashboard</v-icon></v-list-item-action><v-list-item-content><v-list-item-title>Dashboard</v-list-item-t...
需要修改Admin.vue: <template><v-appid="inspire"><v-navigation-drawerv-model="drawer"appclipped><v-listdense><v-list-itemlinkto="/admin"><v-list-item-action><v-icon>mdi-view-dashboard</v-icon></v-list-item-action><v-list-item-content><v-list-item-title>Dashboard</v-list-item-t...
theLaravel Nova Admin Panel.Nova is a sleek, single-page application built with Laravel and Vue.js. It's as smooth as silk and writing custom components is a cinch.Both the admin panel and website are utilizing Vue, which when added to Laravel can lead to exceptional results...
A Single page Vue admin panel for Laravel projects. Built with Installation Email -superadmin@example.com Password - password Admin Configuration: To change the Admin Prefix, changeprefixonconfig/admin.phpor add theADMIN_PREFIXon env 'prefix'=>env('ADMIN_PREFIX','admin'), ...
Looking for Laravel Vue admin template free? Then here is the best collection for you. Well,Laravelis a free, open-source PHP web framework for the development of web applications. The Laravel Admin Panel Template increases the efficiency of web applications and can be helpful to get insights ...
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/opt -w /opt laravelsail/php83-composer:latest bash -c "composer create-project balajidharma/laravel-vue-admin-panel admin-app && cd admin-app && php artisan sail:install --with=mysql,redis,meilisearch,mailpit,selenium" cd admin-app ./vendor/bin/sail pull...
Nova is the official admin panel for Laravel, built by Laravel’s creators. It is powered by Vue.js, Vue Router, and Tailwind.css on the front-end, and configured using simple PHP classes on the back-end, which fits the Laravel ecosystem very well. Its primary features include a full ...
github:https://github.com/LaravelDaily/Larancer-QuickAdminPanel QuickAdminPanel 就跟它的名字一样,就是快。一切都可以在线完成,在 QuickAdminPanel 的官网配置你的 admin 面板,要什么 Modules 在网页上点击 install 即可,按照流程配置完成后,点击下载,获得属于你自己的定制后台代码,然后部署到你自己的服务器上就行...
A cursory Google search will present you with 20 or more options for Laravel admin panel packages. While they may look similar on the surface, there are broad differences in their purpose and architecture. In a moment, we'll look at the specific features of a few of the more popular optio...
QuickAdminPanel - 最强大的半自动后台搭建系统 官网:https://quickadminpanel.com/ github:https://github.com/LaravelDaily/Larancer-QuickAdminPanel QuickAdminPanel 就跟它的名字一样,就是快。一切都可以在线完成,在 QuickAdminPanel 的官网配置你的 admin 面板,要什么 Modules 在网页上点击 install 即可,按照流程...