When working on my project locally, I 'run php artisan serve' and 'npm run dev', and everything works fine. However, when I deploy it to my production server (VPS), the CSS and Bootstrap stop working, and I only see a raw webpage without any styling. I suspect that the production...
Or, running the build command will version and bundle your application’s assets and get them ready for you to deploy to production: # Run the Vite development server... npm run dev # Build and version the assets for production... npm run build 使用JavaScript 别名 默认情况下,Laravel 插件...
Or, running the build command will version and bundle your application's assets and get them ready for you to deploy to production:1# Run the Vite development server... 2npm run dev 3 4# Build and version the assets for production... 5npm run build...
Laravel-9: Vite manifest not found at: \public/build/manifest.json Hello i just installed laravel breeze and tried to run it but it showed this error: Vite manifest not found at: ...\public\/build/manifest.json by searching this error i tried diff
Why would you ever work on a production server? Build and test locally then deploy your site to the server. Use a deploy script so that you can deploy at will, with no chance of forgetting a step 0 Level 2 KingerOP Posted 1 year ago ...
Deploy with Kamal Oct 20, 2024 package.json Fixing eslint Oct 20, 2024 phpunit.xml Upgrading to Laravel 10.x Dec 25, 2023 vite.config.js Moving to vitejs and@FortAwesome6 Sep 4, 2023 yarn.lock Upgrading to Laravel 11.x Oct 20, 2024 ...
import{ defineConfig }from'vite';exportdefaultdefineConfig({publicDir:'public', }); Make sure to replace'public'with the actual name of your public folder if it's different. After making this change, rebuild your project and deploy it again. The generated link for the CSS file should...
Or, running the build command will version and bundle your application's assets and get them ready for you to deploy to production:# Run the Vite development server...npm run dev# Build and version the assets for production...npm run build...
no it's not necessary to install npm on hosting server. i recently deployed a project having npm dependencies and module bundler vite i just uploaded public/build folder to project using ftp. by running npm run build vite will recreate all the js and css files again. try this ...
2nd condition .. when I am trying it to deploy withoutnpm run devcmd it works and deployed but the alpine part and some other stuffs seems not working.🥺 Thanks for any help.. you can check here the error without npm run devhttps://blog-production-0fc7.up.railway.app/login ...