Laravel 6 UI Package composer require laravel/ui Generate auth php artisan ui bootstrap --auth npm install npm run dev Step 5: Create IsAdmin Middleware In this step, we require to create admin middleware that will allows only admin access users to that routes. so let's create admin user ...
'auth.role.admin' => DriverMiddleware::class, 在路由中使用 // user用户 Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'auth.role.user'])->group(function () { Route::get('/demos', 'Api\Users\DemoController@index'); }); // admin用户 Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', auth.role.admin'])->gr...
LaravelSanctum可以使用Multiauthguard 、 我正在测试laravel圣殿,但这里有一些问题..我正在创建管理员守卫。 当我将中间件更改为auth:sanctum_admin时..它应该只能由管理员访问,但在这里,我可以访问与网络守卫的普通用户帐户。我不知道为什么?...我用的是带有多身份验证的护照。没问题。
Middleware groups allow you to group several route middleware under a single, convenient key, allowing you to assign several middleware to a route at once. For example, this can be useful when building a web UI and an API within the same application. You may group the session and CSRF rout...
laravel-multi-auth-admin 包含前后台登录认证以及权限管理的后台系统,模板为color admin 说明 如果喜欢请点个star 需要color admin的朋友请群下载,Laravel开发交流群:658533928 演示地址 安装 克隆资源库 git clone ./ 安装...
1.x5.3 and 5.4EOL1.0composer require hesto/multi-auth 1.* 2.x5.5, 5.6, 5.7Latest2.0composer require hesto/multi-auth What it does? With one simple command you can setup multi auth for your Laravel project. The package installs:
第7794 名第 2310 名第 6653 名第 12106 名 注:排序范围为 Laravel 所有相关项目总榜,另外两个榜单是Laravel 扩展排行榜和Laravel 应用排行榜。 关键词 databaseauthenticationlaravelmulti-authmultiple-auth 注:关键词是作者在composer.json文件里设置。
For example, this can be useful when building a web UI and an API within the same application. You may group the session and CSRF routes into a web group, and perhaps the rate limiter in the api group.In fact, the default Laravel 5.2 application structure takes exactly this approach. ...
Multi-Part 请求如果你希望将文件作为 Multipart 请求发送,你应该在创建请求前调用 attach 方法。该方法接受文件的名字(相当于 HTML Input 的 name 属性)以及它对应的内容。你也可以在第三个参数传入自定义的文件名称,这不是必须的。如果有需要,你也可以通过第三个参数来指定文件的文件名:...
cd ../.. composer require laravel/ui php artisan ui bootstrap npm install npm run dev In the second to last step, Laravel uses npm to install Bootstrap. Once you have the Bootstrap package, you need to compile the SASS files to CSS with Webpack. Laravel actually provides a special ...