我用来存储图像 $cat->picture = $request->file('catpicture')->store('public/catpictures'); $cat->save(); 我在"/var/www/html/project/storage/app/public/catpictures",中执行ls操作,图像已保存我创建了符号链接 php artisan storage:link The [/var/www/html/project/public/storage] link has...
The images upload to the Spaces storage but they are still set as "private".I realise I could probably just create a route to alter the preview URL in Nova but I have no reason to store these files privately and I know this should be possible.I'd appreciate any help or advic...
/* Store $imageName name in DATABASE from HERE */ return back() ->with('success','You have successfully upload image.') ->with('image',$imageName); } } 存储文件夹中的存储图像 $request->image->storeAs('images', $imageName); //storage/app/images/file.png?imageView2/0/q/75|waterm...
将上传的图片保存在本地服务器的 public/storage/images 目录下: $path = $image->store('images', 'public'); 表单验证 在上传图片之前,我们需要验证表单是否合法。可以使用 Laravel 自带的表单验证功能,以下是一个简单的示例: $request->validate([ 'image' => 'required|image', ]); ...
hi from you screen capture , look like you can store the image in storage folder succesfully . your problem is now you dnt know how to print out the image path if I understood correctly you may try below: try to create a symbolic link https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/fil...
在您的控制器中,您需要使用Storage类来访问图像存储。您可以通过putFile()或put()方法来将图像存储到指定的文件夹中。 使用putFile()方法 以下示例演示如何使用putFile()方法从请求中存储上传的图像文件: public function store(Request $request) { $file = $request->file('image'); $path = Storage::putFi...
解决方案:在Laravel框架中,文件上传函数store()默认会将上传的文件存储在storage/app/public目录下,并返回一个文件路径。如果store()函数未返回文件路径,可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 存储驱动配置错误:请确保在config/filesystems.php文件中正确配置了存储驱动。常见的存储驱动有local(本地存储)、s3(Amazon S3云存...
学了两个多月的laravel一直没有去研究他的核心概念,在文档上看到些名词 “服务容器”,“服务提供者”…整个人人都是懵的下面结合我这几天的学习谈谈我的理解。 laravel的核心架构:服务容器,服务提供者,门面,契约。 要理解上面概念首先我们得知道什么是服务 ...
The path to the file will be returned by the store method so you can store the path, including the generated file name, in your database.You may also call the putFile method on the Storage facade to perform the same file manipulation as the example above:...
The Storage facade may be used to interact with any of your configured disks. For example, you may use the put method on the facade to store an avatar on the default disk. If you call methods on the Storage facade without first calling the disk method, the method will automatically be ...