php artisancommand:make FooCommand --path=app/classes --namespace=Classes 注册命令 一旦你的命令完成后,你需要使用 Artisan 进行注册,这样才能够被使用。这通常在app/start/artisan.php文件中完成。在这个文件中,你可以使用Artisan::add函数注册命令: 注册一个 Artisan 命令 Artisan::add(newCustomCommand); 如...
Beautiful and user-friendly forms for command-line applications. Pulse At-a-glance insights into your application's performance and usage. Reverb Blazing fast and scalable WebSockets for your application. Sail Hand-crafted Laravel local development experience using Docker. ...
Next, we can run our migrations from our terminal using themigratecommand. Simply execute this command from the root of your project: phpartisanmigrate If you wish to rollback a migration, you may issue themigrate:rollbackcommand. Now that we have a database table, let's start pulling some...
Directory: 填入当前服务器需要运行 Console Command 的站点根目录,一般 Forge 通过 Git 安装的站点或应用存放在 /home/forge 用户目录下 User: forge Number of Processes: 线程数,请自行根据服务器配置和任务强度自行调整 Start Seconds: 启动时间 n 秒,默认为 n = 1 秒。 Stop Seconds:当任务运行 n ...
Boot options for the commands start and restart.OptionDescription -d|--daemonize Run as a daemon, this option will override the swoole.daemonize setting in laravels.php -e|--env The environment the command should run under, such as --env=testing will use the configuration file .env....
The working directory in whichlaravel-echo-serverwill look for the configuration filelaravel-echo-server.jsoncan be passed to thestartcommand through the--dirparameter like so:laravel-echo-server start --dir=/var/www/html/ ...
* Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */publicfunctionhandle(){$name=$this->ask('你叫什么名字');$city=$this->choice('你来自哪个城市',['北京','杭州','深圳'],0);$password=$this->secret('输入密码才能执行此命令');if($password!='123'){$this->error('密码错误');exit(-...
In the Startup Command box, enter the following command: cp /home/site/wwwroot/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default && service nginx reload. It replaces the Nginx configuration file in the PHP 8.0 container and restarts Nginx. This configuration ensures that this change is made to the ...
sudo supervisorctl start laravel-worker:* 如果出现异常: 可查看我博客的supervisor错误排查 后台队列(守护进程) Artisan 命令queue:work 包含一个–daemon 选项来强制队列 worker 持续处理任务而不必重新启动框架。相较于queue:listen 命令该命令对 CPU 的使用有明显降低: ...
Footnote [^1]:Comparing 2.5.1…2.5.2 · facade/ignition [^2]: Security - Flare Docs [^3]:ambionics/phpggc: PHPGGC is a library of PHP unserialize() payloads along with a tool to generate them, from command line or programmatically....