在上面的例子中,我们将日期'1990-01-01', '1992-03-05', '1988-12-10', '1995-10-11'转化为集合,并使用sortBy函数按照birthdate排序。我们从输出结果可以看出,集合中的日期已按照日期顺序进行了排序。 结论 在Laravel中,我们可以使用sortby函数按照varchar和date进行排序。我们只需要将字符串和日期转化为集合...
In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct. Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via taylor@laravel.com. All security vulnerabilities will be...
function ($query) use ($opts) { switch ($opts['timeOrder']){ case 1: return $query->orderBy('indate','asc'); break; case 2: return $query->orderBy('indate','desc'
Previously, the storage format for Eloquent date fields could be modified by overriding the getDateFormat method on your model. This is still possible; however, for convenience you may simply specify a $dateFormat property on the model instead of overriding the method....
php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: liuxiang * Date: 16/6/23 * Time: 18:14 */classInsertSort{/** * 插入排序具体算法描述 * 1.从第一个元素开始,该元素可以认为已经被排序 * 2.取出下一个元素,在已经排序的元素序列中从后向前扫描 * 3.如果该元素(已排序)大于新元素,将该元素移到下一...
')) . date('d') . substr(implode(null, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8) . rand(100, 999); } } // 获取大/小写英文字符 if (!function_exists('getCharacters')) { function getCharacters($type = 0) { if (0 == $type) { return ['A', ...
Date Formatting Previously, the storage format for Eloquent date fields could be modified by overriding thegetDateFormatmethod on your model. This is still possible; however, for convenience you may simply specify a$dateFormatproperty on the model instead of overriding the method. ...
$query->when(request('filter_by') == 'date', function ($q) { return $q->orderBy('created_at', request('ordering_rule', 'desc')); }); 它可能看上去不是很优雅,但它强大的功能是传递参数: $query = User::query(); $query->when(request('role', false), function ($q, $role) { ...
(), Column::make('email')->searchable()->sortable(), Column::make('created_at') ->format(new DateFormatter('d/m/Y H:i', 'Europe/Paris')) ->sortable(), Column::make('updated_at') ->format(new DateFormatter('d/m/Y H:i', 'Europe/Paris')) ->sortable() ->sortByDefault('...