Admin An easy to implement, lightweight yet complete Laravel 5.5+ admin panel/backend and media/filemanager. Basically it's a web-based content editor for your Laravel models. It's very easy to integrate into your existing Laravel application. nickdekruijk/admin is the next evolution of nick...
Simple Admin Panel Built Using Laravel. Contribute to devfaizan/venorawatersupply-adminpanel development by creating an account on GitHub.
Admiko provides admin panel for Laravel 9, which requires PHP 8.0, Laravel 10, which requires PHP 8.1 and Laravel 11, which requires PHP 8.2. Unfortunately, there is no support for Laravel 5, 6, 7 or 8. Do I need GitHub account for Admiko? You don't need to have an account on ...
Well,Laravelis a free, open-source PHP web framework for the development of web applications. The Laravel Admin Panel Template increases the efficiency of web applications and can be helpful to get insights regarding how your web application is performing. Also, Laravel Admin Panel Template plays ...
URL: Author:Barry vd. Heuvel First release:June 2014 This is one of the oldest translation managers with a graphical interface. Basically, that’s what you get with this package – an adminpanel where you can visually edit your translations...
Admin-Dash uses Admin LTE for Laravel 5.4 I built an admin panel implementation for Laravel 5.4 using Abdullah Almsaeed’s amazing Admin LTE template. I’ve made this starter application available for free on github: Admin-Dash On the admin panel itself, I’ve pulled in all the examples, in...
dwij/laraadmin LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel with features like CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Media, Menus, Backups and much more ...
exploreGitHub Become a Patron < Be anadmin architect/> Admin Architect- package for creating professionaladmin panels for laravel 5. It provides everything you need for administration of a modern website. Don't spend your time on the same code over and over again. ...
laravel-admin - 十分钟构建全功能Laravel后台界面 Laravel Admin Panel - Laravel 后台界面构建器Twill - 基于 Laravel 的 CMS 后台管理系统 Laravel Adminpanel - Laravel 后台管理面板Laravel Dashboard - Laravel Dashboard 提供了功能强大的用户界面用于日常增删改查操作 Craftable - 后台管理入门套件...
By now, you have added passkey authentication to your Laravel Backpack admin panel. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. You can check the working source code on Github: kiddtang/backpack-passkey-auth.Special thanks to Luke Downing and his excellent Laracasts course “Adding Passkeys to ...