在windows下安装的方法:(php.ini中openssl.dll扩展必须打开,且版本>=5.4) 方法一:使用安装程序 这是将 Composer 安装在你机器上的最简单的方法。 下载并且运行Composer-Setup.exe,它将安装最新版本的 Composer ,并设置好系统的环境变量,因此你可以在任何目录下直接使用composer命令。 1.1 配置系统路径 要在控制台中...
主要是配置,这里在PHP文件夹中复制php.ini-development到当前文件夹,也就是PHP文件夹内,修改名字为php.ini修改后可能默认会隐藏ini后缀名,这个不必care,然后我们来修改这个新创建的配置文件,搜索Windows Extensions,仿照下面的扩展配置把刚刚下载的dll文件名字配置进去,其实只需要那两个非线程安全的即可,其他的扩展文件根...
Linux systems by adding a Bash function to your Bash profile. On Windows, you may accomplish this by adding a "batch" file to yourPATH. These scripts will allow you to run any Vagrant command from anywhere on your system and will automatically point that command to your Homestead ...
setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) { return createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) }) .use(plugin) .mount(el) }, });Laravel's starter kits already include the proper Laravel, Inertia, and Vite configuration. Check out Laravel Breeze for the fastest way to get started with Lara...
NOTE: Laravel Valet Windows 3 isdeveloped and tested to run on Windows 10. In theory it should run on Windows 11 and up, but there's no guarantee. Testers and contributors are always welcome though. If you don't have PHP installed, make sure toinstallit. ...
Documentation:https://www.creative-tim.com/live/now-ui-dashboard-laravel/?start-page=/docs/getting-started/laravel-setup.html&ref=ndl-readme License Agreement:https://www.creative-tim.com/license?ref=ndl-readme Support:https://www.creative-tim.com/contact-us?ref=ndl-readme ...
本文默认你已经有配置完善的 PHP + MySQL 运行环境,懂得 PHP 网站运行的基础知识。跟随本教程走完一遍,你将会得到一个基础的包含登录的简单 blog 系统,并将学会如何使用一些强大的 Laravel 插件和 composer 包(Laravel 插件也是 composer 包)。 软件版本:PHP 5.4+,MySQL 5.1+ ...
$ php artisan test-vvvWarning:TTYmode is not supported on Windows platform.PASSTests\Unit\ExampleTest ✓ basic testRUNSTests\Unit\app\Http\Controllers\ContactControllerTest • fail due to invalid formTests:4passed,17pending[2020-08-30T05:29:18.173039+00:00]testing.DEBUG:creating contact...
"production": "node NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、 Windows系统下(WAMP、MAMP) 首先你需要装一下cross-env,执行: ...
http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/php-7.1.0-nts-Win32-VC14-x86.zip 1.2.解压到 c:\wnmp\php 在提示符下,测试是否成功 D:\>c:\wnmp\php\php.exe -v 1.3.,设置系统变量path,指向c:\wnmp\php 重启生效 D:\>php -v D:\>php -m ...