This command will generate a controller atapp/Http/Controllers/PhotoController.php. The controller will contain a method for each of the available resource operations. Next, you may register a resourceful route to the controller: Route::resource('photos','PhotoController'); ...
This command will generate a controller atapp/Http/Controllers/PhotoController.php. The controller will contain a method for each of the available resource operations. Next, you may register a resourceful route to the controller: Route::resource('photos','PhotoController'); ...
6.Push data in controllernamespace App\Http\Controllers; class TestController extends Controller { public function push() { $fd = 1; // Find fd by userId from a map [userId=>fd]. /**@var \Swoole\WebSocket\Server $swoole */ $swoole = app('swoole'); $success = $swoole->push($...
E.g. asController, asJob, asListener and/or asCommand.class PublishANewArticle { use AsAction; public function handle(User $author, string $title, string $body): Article { return $author->articles()->create([ 'title' => $title, 'body' => $body, ]); } public function asController...
$success = $swoole->push($fd,'Push data to fd#1 in Controller'); var_dump($success); } } 监听事件 系统事件 通常,你可以在这些事件中重置或销毁一些全局或静态的变量,也可以修改当前的请求和响应。 laravels.received_request将Swoole\Http\Request转成Illuminate\Http\Request后,在Laravel内核处理请求前...
\Facade\Ignition\Solutions\MakeViewVariableOptionalSolution::run \Facade\Ignition\Http\Controllers\ExecuteSolutionController::__invoke \Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider::registerHousekeepingRoutes 参数$parameters['viewFile'] 无过滤,通过 execute-solution 路由可以进行触发,结合官方文档[^2] 可知,在执行 sol...
$success = $swoole->push($fd,'Push data to fd#1 in Controller'); var_dump($success); } } 监听事件 系统事件 通常,你可以在这些事件中重置或销毁一些全局或静态的变量,也可以修改当前的请求和响应。 laravels.received_request将Swoole\Http\Request转成Illuminate\Http\Request后,在Laravel内核处理请求前...
Route::post('/register', 'Api\AuthController@register'); Route::post('/login', 'Api\AuthController@login'); Route::apiResource('/ceo', 'Api\CEOController')->middleware('auth:api'); To view the entire list of the routes created for this application, run the following command from the...
8,这时我们在index页面点击链接时会报错“TasksController::show() does not exist”, 这也就告诉我们需要创建show方法 publicfunctionshow(Task$task){returnView::make('',compact('task')); } 注意在这里我们使用了laravel5提供的route model binding特性,我们在控制器中使用Task类typehinting了task参数...
As you can see from the above routes, we are routing traffic to a PhoneVerificationController that we don’t have yet. Let's quickly create that using artisan. Run the following command: Bash Copy Code $ php artisan make:controller PhoneVerificationController Open that controller and add th...