* Test creating a new order. */ publicfunctiontest_orders_can_be_created():void { //Run the DatabaseSeeder... $this->seed(); //Run a specific seeder... $this->seed(OrderStatusSeeder::class); //... //Run an array of specific seeders... ...
* Test creating a new order. * * @return void */ public function test_orders_can_be_created() { // Run the DatabaseSeeder... $this->seed(); // Run a specific seeder... $this->seed(OrderStatusSeeder::class); // ... // Run an array of specific seeders... $this->seed([...
在 Thinkphp5 这里呢,我们叫它 数据填充器。相信大家都有这样的经历:项目开发中,我们经常需要自己...
Run git clone https://github.com/jeremykenedy/laravel-auth.git laravel-auth Create a MySQL database for the project mysql -u root -p, if using Vagrant: mysql -u homestead -psecret create database laravelAuth; \q From the projects root run cp .env.example .env Configure your .env fil...
原文:zh.annas-archive.org/md5/c21d87a1a56234879b851abfda164e5a 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 前言 本书介绍了如何使用 Laravel 4 设计模式开发不同的应用程序并解决重复出现的问题。它将引导您了解广泛使用的设计模式——生成器(管理器)模式、工厂模式、存储库模式和策略模式,并将使您能够在使用 Lar...
Start by creating a specific seeder file for Bouncer:php artisan make:seeder BouncerSeeder Place all of your seeding roles & abilities code in the seeder's run method. Here's an example of what that might look like:use Bouncer; use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; class BouncerSeeder extends ...
This survey will contain a couple of open-ended questions that participants need to respond to. For the sake of convenience and to easily populate our database table with some questions, we will use aSeeder classin Laravel. Run the command below to generate a seeder file, mainly for theQuest...
PUT means to create/update a resource at a specific location. Another requirement for the PUT verb is idempotence, which in this case basically means you can send that request 1, 2 or 1000 times and the result will be the same: one updated resource in the ...
否则会出现sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo的错误 再添加一行: apache ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL 这行中apache是laravel运行时的用户名,如果你不清楚到底apache/ngix用户名是什么可以用php的echo shell_exec("id -a")打印出来 这一行主要解决使用sudo命令时要求输入密码,而我们在网站程序中不可能...
The subcategory belongs to a specific category, so we only want to show the subcategories that belong to it in the form. By explicitly naming the parent/child as category and subcategory, it makes it easy to follow and keep track of which one is the child. We also want to enforce the...