Sentry for LaravelLaravel Application Monitoring ️ Sponsored by Friends Livewire CalendarMonthly Calendar Grid #UI Components Created with Sketch.1.559 MegaphoneLivewire UI Component for Bell Icon Notifications #UI Components Created with Sketch.1.011 ...
jltxwesley Software Engineer @ Sidekicker
Rendering the rich text content back to the Trix editor is a bit differently than rendering for the end users, so you may do that using thetoTrixHtmlmethod on the field, like so: <x-trix-inputid="post_body"name="body"value="{!!$post->body->toTrixHtml()!!}"/> ...
We will use Laravel and the Froala Rich-text editor to create a comprehensive support system for your web application. In this series of tutorials, we will cover how to set up the Laravel project, integrate the Froala editor, save data to a MySQL database, manage support tickets, ...
新增:RichHtml组件支持editorOption自定义富文本编辑器属性 新增:MS.eventManager对象,方便页面事件管理 优化:升级UEditorPlus为3.2.0 优化:字段默认值逻辑处理优化 优化:升级jQueryTimeago库,更好支持中文 优化:图片上传、视频上传、文件上传、音频上传组件重构 修复:VUE多语言翻译带参数返回非中文问题 修复:Number、Text...
UEditor for laravel5. Support i18n. UEditor is a Rich Text Web Editor From Baidu. 统计数据 Github Star 数量昨日下载(延迟一天)本月下载历史下载 000142 注:数据延迟一天。 榜单排行 Github Star 排行昨日排行(延迟一天)本月排行历史排行 第9891 名第 6291 名第 9126 名第 5077 名 ...
Blog system is the most important record, as well as the browsing experience.Using the advantage of the markdown is we dont need to do a complex operation, rich text editor only need specific character can be an article typesetting.Markdown compiled according to the HTML then we can join ...
public/laravel-u-editor/ will have the full UEditor assets.Usagein your block just put@include('UEditor::head'); it will require assets.if need,u can change the resources\views\vendor\UEditor\head.blade.php to fit your customization .ok,all...
Forms\Components\RichEditor::make('content') ->required(), ]); } public static function table(Tables\Table $table): Tables\Table { return $table ->columns([ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('id')->sortable(), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('title')->sortable()->searchable(), ...