在Laravel框架中,遇到“419 Page Expired”错误通常是因为CSRF(跨站请求伪造)令牌验证失败。这个错误提示页面已经过期,通常是由于以下几个原因导致的: 1. Laravel 419 Page Expired错误的原因 CSRF令牌过期:当页面在浏览器中打开很长时间后,Laravel生成的CSRF令牌可能会过期,导致验证失败。 CSRF令牌缺失或错误:如果请求...
答案:当在 Laravel 中提交表单时,如果表单提交的时间超过了预设的有效时间,就会出现 "419 Page Expired" 的错误提示。这是 Laravel 中的 CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgery)保护机制的一部分,用于防止跨站请求伪造攻击。 CSRF 是一种常见的网络攻击方式,攻击者通过伪造用户的请求来执行恶意操作。为了防止这种攻击,Larav...
在laravel项目中,表单正常操作时无异常,页面打开后长时间未操作,再次提交表单时,页面显示 “419 | Page Expired”错误。解决方式如下:<?php namespace App\Exceptions; use Exception; use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler; use Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException; class Handler ...
When you will submit this form, you will get the 419 page expired error. 419 Page Expired – Without CSRF TokenNow, to resolve this issue, you have to exclude the POST request route.Exclude Route From Verify CSRF Token in LaravelNavigate to the app/Http/Middleware folder in your Laravel ...
6. “419 Page Expired” Error on POST Requests Problem: When submitting a form with a POST request, you receive a “419 Page Expired” error. Solution: This error occurs due to the CSRF token mismatch, often caused by an expired or missing token. Make sure your form includes the@csrfdir...
更新SESSION_DOMAIN后,Laravel返回错误419 我最近不得不将SESSION_DOMAIN=".example.com"设置为能够从子域名sub.example.com访问laravel会话cookie。在此之后,部分先前登录的用户开始在post请求上报告Error: Request failed with status code419(据报道,即使在再次登录后也是如此),其他用户则报告根本无法登录没有记录相关...
梦想星辰大海 划水师 @ 未来科技
Route::post('/tokens/create',function(Request$request){ $token=$request->user()->createToken($request->token_name); return['token'=>$token->plainTextToken]; }); You may access all of the user's tokens using thetokensEloquent relationship provided by theHasApiTokenstrait: ...
useIlluminate\Http\Request; Route::post('/tokens/create',function(Request$request){ $token=$request->user()->createToken($request->token_name); return['token'=>$token->plainTextToken]; }); You may access all of the user's tokens using thetokensEloquent relationship provided by theHasApi...
post提交数据时候显示如下: The page has expired due to inactivity...Please refresh and try again 这是由于在laravel框架中有此要求:任何指向 web 中 POST, PUT 或 DELETE 路由的 HTML 表单请求都应该包含一个 CS...