NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00 是一个预定义的格式,它将数字格式化为没有小数点的整数(你可以根据需要选择其他格式)。 如果你需要更复杂的格式(例如,包含小数点或千位分隔符),你可以使用自定义格式字符串。例如: php 'E' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_COMMA_SEPARATED1, // 包含千位分隔符和小数点 ...
Queue priorities are now supported by passing a comma-delimited list to the queue:listen command.Failed Queue Job HandlingThe queue facilities now include automatic handling of failed jobs when using the new --tries switch on queue:listen. More information on handling failed jobs can be found in...
Queue priorities are now supported by passing a comma-delimited list to thequeue:listencommand. Failed Queue Job Handling The queue facilities now include automatic handling of failed jobs when using the new--triesswitch onqueue:listen. More information on handling failed jobs can be found in the...
If you need to validate that the given number is valid in a list of countries, use thephone_country:US,CArule. You can list as manyISO-3166-1 Alpha 2as you wish delimited by a comma. return['phone'=>'required|phone_country:US,CA', ]; ...
When calling the productPrices method, coupons may be passed as a comma delimited string:use Laravel\Paddle\Cashier; $prices = Cashier::productPrices([123, 456], [ 'coupons' => 'SUMMERSALE,20PERCENTOFF' ]);CopyThen, display the calculated prices using the price method:...
When calling the productPrices method, coupons may be passed as a comma delimited string:use Laravel\Paddle\Cashier; $prices = Cashier::productPrices([123, 456], [ 'coupons' => 'SUMMERSALE,20PERCENTOFF' ]);Then, display the calculated prices using the price method:...
The attribute can be a comma separated string or an array of attributes to always include.namespace App\GraphQL\Types; use App\User; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use Rebing\GraphQL\Support\Facades\GraphQL; use Rebing\GraphQL\Support\Type as GraphQLType; class UserType extends GraphQL...
In addition to the queue job format supported in Laravel 4, Laravel 5 allows you to represent your queued jobs as simple command objects. These commands live in the app/Commands directory. Here's a sample command:<?php class PurchasePodcast extends Command implements SelfHandling, ShouldBeQueued...
首先,通过composer引入Laravel Excel v2.1库 composer require maatwebsite/excel ~2.1.0 将Service...
When calling the productPrices method, coupons may be passed as a comma delimited string:use Laravel\Paddle\Cashier;$prices = Cashier::productPrices([123, 456], ['coupons' => 'SUMMERSALE,20PERCENTOFF']);Then, display the calculated prices using the price method:...