Laravel是PHP下当今最受欢迎的web应用开发框架,github上start数远超第二名Symfony,以前我用这个框架做项目的时候通常就是扔到apache里面,然后配置.htaccess文件移除路由里面的public字样,达到Pretty URLs效果,这这两天在完善各个版本的微信墙,准备部署在azure上,结果发现以前装的是nginx,mysql这样的环境,于是乎花了一点时...
又上github搜索swoole+laravel,选用别人已经集成好的,最后选用laravels(。 开发机安装swoole扩展,composer拉取laravels包(折腾好会,这里就不表述了)。 原来http请求到达web服务器,服务器nginx将请求转发给php-fpm,让php-fpm管理进程对php程序读取解析...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
又上github搜索swoole+laravel,选用别人已经集成好的,最后选用laravels(。 开发机安装swoole扩展,composer拉取laravels包(折腾好会,这里就不表述了)。 原来http请求到达web服务器,服务器nginx将请求转发给php-fpm,让php-fpm管理进程对php程序读取解析...
PHP 7.4 development environment with PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL 5.7 to run Laravel applications using Docker and Docker Compose. - GitHub - dyarleniber/laravel7-docker: PHP 7.4 development environment with PHP-FPM, Nginx and MySQL 5.7 to run Laravel applic
然后在你项目的平级目录使用git拉取这个包。 # 平级目录 D:/www/ - /laradock - /my-project 这样准备就绪进入下一步。 配置 这里配置的环境按常用环境进行配置 nginx php-fpm 5.6 mysql 5.6 接着需要修改laradock/.env文件 ...
Laravel GitHub: 1. 部署环境 IP 地址(本地测试环境): 操作系统:Linux CentOS 7.9 Docker 版本: 20.10.7 Docker Compose 版本: 2.6.1 Nginx 目录:/home/docker/nginx MariaDB 目录:/home/docker/mysql Php 目录:/home/docker/php ...
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } location ~ /.well-known { allow all; } } Make sure to check that there are no syntax errors in the configuration. sudonginx-t Copy If all changes were successful, you will get a result that lo...
Once you have edited the Homestead.yaml to your liking, run the vagrant up command from your Homestead directory. Vagrant will boot the virtual machine and automatically configure your shared folders and Nginx sites.To destroy the machine, you may use the vagrant destroy --force command....