Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. - laravel/laravel
tailwind.config.js README Code of conduct MIT license Security Laravel Breeze - Next.js Edition ▲ Introduction This repository is an implementation of theLaravel Breezeapplication / authentication starter kit frontend inNext.js. All of the authentication boilerplate is already written for you - powe...
A boilerplate ready to use for your custom dashboard projects This repo contains the structure for an admin dashboard using Laravel and Vue.js. Laravel handles anything related to the data storage, server-side validation, CRUD operations, and API routing as well as the setup for Scope Based ...
Laravel Admin Dashboard Boilerplate A boilerplate ready to use for your custom dashboard projects using Laravel An admin panel including a vast variety of specifications and automations based on the Laravel PHP framework. For further discussion on the features contained please don’t hesitate to ...
We have just releasedCraftable PRO- the premium version of this popular open-source laravel admin panel builder. Pro version comes with fresh UI built on top of Tailwind, it uses latest Laravel and InertiaJS and ships with lot ofnew features. ...
This is a boilerplate for opinionated Laravel 8.0 admin panel build with AdminLTE 3.0 theme, Alpinejs 2.0, Livewire 2.0, supported with tests and optional feature branches. You can check this repo I am actively working onLaravel Castra. Same idea, different tools (Hotwire Turbo). ...
Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum and comes with excellent user and role management API out of the box. Start your next big API project with Hydra, focus on building business logic, and save countless hours of writing boring user and role management API again and ...
Author vahidalvandi commented May 20, 2024 If they are separate, it can be managed better. Please give an example of two separate projects. And be sure to put the next js sample in the wikiSign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to ...
Example Boilerplate All components and containers are saved in folderexample Routing Change default redirecting when hit the/orhomein filenext.config.js asyncredirects(){return[{source:'/',destination:'/example/login',permanent:false,},]}
Add honeypot elements toPagesyou want. For exampleresourses/js/Pages/Auth/Login.vuelike this: Redefine props like this: constprops=defineProps({canResetPassword:Boolean,status:String,honeypot:Object,}); Redefineformlike this: constform=useForm({email:'',password:'',remember:false,[props.honey...