If this change causes you to have two routes with the same name, you have two options. First, you may use the names option when calling Route::resource to specify a custom name for a given route. Refer to the resource routing documentation for more information. Alternatively, you may add...
如果是修改,就调用change方法即可,比如想增加name字段的字符串长度: 1Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {2$table->string('name', 50)->change();3}); 比如将字段修改为可空: 1Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {2$table->string('name', 50)->nullable()->...
If you have a model that was incorrectly pluralized, you may continue using the old table name by defining a$tableproperty on your model: /** * The table associated with the model. * *@varstring */ protected$table='user_feedbacks'; ...
This will create a new model config file namedconfig/lauthz-rbac-model.confand a new lauthz config file namedconfig/lauthz.php. To migrate the migrations, run the migrate command: php artisan migrate This will create a new table namedrules ...
This is an example migration. you need change parts of it. In this example we assume you have a model namedPost. Meta table name should be your model's table name +_metawhich in this case, model's table name is pluralized form of the model name. so the table name becomesposts_meta...
'repositories' => [ 'landlord' => [ 'type' => Spatie\LaravelSettings\SettingsRepositories\DatabaseSettingsRepository::class, 'model' => null, 'table' => null, 'connection' => 'landlord', 'cache' => [ 'enabled' => env('SETTINGS_CACHE_ENABLED', false), 'store' => null, 'prefix'...
写个Model 先建个迁移文件: 代码语言:javascript 复制 php artisan make:migration create_items_table --create=items 在迁移文件database/migrations/*_create_items_table.php中写上: 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('ite...
*/protectedstaticfunctionboot(){parent::boot();static::creating(function($model){$model->incrementing=false;$model->{$model->getKeyName()}=Str::uuid()->toString();});}} 创建迁移以更新表结构: 代码语言:javascript 复制 php artisan migrate:make change_primary_key_type_in_roles_table--table...
$ php artisan make:model Todo -m -cA new migration file is created in the database/migrations directory at [TODAYSDATE]_create_todos_table.php. Next, add the following code to the up() method within the migration file:PHP Copy Code $table->string('name'); $table->boolean('complet...
a phone_verified_at field is also added to the user's table to store when the user's phone number is verified. We also need to make some changes to the app/User.php model. The following code ensures that the phone, name, and password fields are mass assignable. You can read more ...