时间类型将根据 dateFormat 设置的格式做处理,对象类型将转换为 json。类型转换是在 setAttribute 函数中进行的,所以只要调用了 setAttribute 函数,都会应用 $casts 属性做类型转换。但是如果使用了修改器,如:setDataAttribute,$casts 将无效。以下方式将都会应用 $casts 属性1. 使用 Model 的fill() 函数填充属性时...
默认的日期存储格式是Y-m-d H:i:s, 你可以改model的$dateFormat属性来改变格式: namespaceApp; useIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; classFlightextendsModel { protected$dateFormat='U'; } 注意,这个格式不仅将影响日期在数据库中的存储格式,还将影响模型在转换成为数组或json时,日期字段的保存格式。 属性...
// the connection grammar's date format. We will auto set the values. elseif($value&&$this->isDateAttribute($key)) { $value=$this->fromDateTime($value); } if($this->isJsonCastable($key) && !is_null($value)) { $value=$this->castAttributeAsJson($key,$value); } ……… } prot...
自定义属性custom_date,返回return date('Y-m-d', intval($value)); 当我需要返回指定格式的日期时,我就在对应的model,设置属性为custom_date就可以了。 <?phpnamespace App\Model;use App\Library\Utility;use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;class CustomModel extends Model{...protected function castAtt...
最后,你还可以为模型设置时区。在模型类中,使用$dateFormat属性设置日期格式,同时设置$timezone属性指定时区。例如: classUserextendsModel{/** * The attributes that should be mutated to dates. * *@vararray */protected$dates= ['created_at','updated_at', ...
date_format:formatThe field under validation must match the given format. You should use either date or date_format when validating a field, not both. This validation rule supports all formats supported by PHP's DateTime class.declinedThe field under validation must be "no", "off", 0, or ...
The field under validation must be equal to the given date. The dates will be passed into the PHP strtotime function in order to be converted into a valid DateTime instance.date_format:formatThe field under validation must match the given format. You should use either date or date_format ...
protected$dateFormat='U'; } Attribute Casting The$castsproperty on your model provides a convenient method of converting attributes to common data types. The$castsproperty should be an array where the key is the name of the attribute being cast and the value is the type you wish to cast th...
If you need to customize the format of your model's timestamps, set the $dateFormat property on your model. This property determines how date attributes are stored in the database as well as their format when the model is serialized to an array or JSON:...
{{-- ... --}} {{ $expense->expense_date->format('d/m/Y') }} {{-- ... --}}This results in the following:This is because the $dates property has been deprecated in favor of the $casts property. The $casts property is more flexible and allows you to cast your attributes to...