我们的第一步是根据 Laravel 提供的 Artisan 命令生成对应的 Model;在实际的开发中我们通常会提供额外的参数以便生成模型的时候一起生成额外的模版文件,如数据库迁移文件、测试文件、Controller 等等;我们还将用make:model为 Course 生成一个 CURD Controller,相关的几个 commit 我列在下面了,每个 Commit 我都尽量做到...
Eloquent provides some very helpful ways of interacting with this table. For example, let's assume our User object has many Role objects that it is related to. After accessing this relationship, we may access the pivot table on the models:$user = User::find(1); foreach ($user->roles ...
Intermediate Table / Pivot Model Events In previous versions of Laravel,Eloquent model eventswere not dispatched when attaching, detaching, or syncing custom intermediate table / "pivot" models of a many-to-many relationship. When usingcustom intermediate table modelsin Laravel 5.8, the applicable mod...
If you would like to use an unconventional table name for your pivot table, you may pass it as the second argument to the belongsToMany method:return $this->belongsToMany('Role', 'user_roles');You may also override the conventional associated keys:return $this->belongsToMany('Role', '...
Eloquent also provides a few additional helper methods to make working with related models more convenient. For example, let's imagine a user can have many roles and a role can have many users. To attach a role to a user by inserting a record in the intermediate table that joins the ...
php artisan make:model Member --pivotInspecting ModelsSometimes it can be difficult to determine all of a model's available attributes and relationships just by skimming its code. Instead, try the model:show Artisan command, which provides a convenient overview of all the model's attributes and ...
ThebelongsToManyrelationship'sfirstOrNew,firstOrCreate, andupdateOrCreatemethods all accept an array of attributes as their first argument. In previous releases of Laravel, this array of attributes was compared against the "pivot" / intermediate table for existing records. ...
This method accepts an array of pivot table attribute names and values as its second argument:use App\Models\Role; use App\Models\User; $user = User::factory() ->hasAttached( Role::factory()->count(3), ['active' => true] ) ->create();...
php artisanmake:migration create_users_table--create=users//指定表名php artisanmake:migration add_votes_to_users_table--table=users//创建表php artisan migrate//执行php artisan migrate:rollback//回滚php artisan migrate:reset//回滚所有php artisan migrate:refresh//reset then migratephp artisan migrate...
protected$table='user_feedbacks'; Custom Pivot Models With Incrementing IDs If you have defined a many-to-many relationship that uses a custom pivot model, and that pivot model has an auto-incrementing primary key, you should ensure your custom pivot model class defines anincrementingproperty ...