按照上文提到的Category、Post、Comment和Tag之间的关系创建迁移Migration和模型Model,在项目根目录输入: 代码语言:javascript 复制 php artisan make:model Category-m php artisan make:model Post-m php artisan make:model Comment-m php artisan make:model Tag-m 在各个表的迁移migrations文件中根据表的功能设计字...
php artisan make:controller OrderController 创建Rest风格资源控制器(带有index、create、store、edit、update、destroy、show方法) php artisan make:controller OrderController--resource 创建模型 php artisan make:modelStudent 创建新建表的迁移和修改表的迁移 php artisan make:migration create_orders_table--create=o...
php artisan make:model Flight -crR # Generate a model and a FlightPolicy class... php artisan make:model Flight --policy # Generate a model and a migration, factory, seeder, and controller... php artisan make:model Flight -mfsc # Shortcut to generate a model, migration, factory, seeder...
php artisan make:model Flight -crR # Generate a model and a FlightPolicy class... php artisan make:model Flight --policy # Generate a model and a migration, factory, seeder, and controller... php artisan make:model Flight -mfsc # Shortcut to generate a model, migration, factory, seeder...
Laravel Migration 还提供了 Rollback 机制,既可以 rollback 最近的一次数据库变更。不过我不建议大家在生产环境这样做;生产环境的数据库迁移应该始终保持向前滚动,而不应该含有向后 Rollback 的操作。比如你在上一次变更操作中错误的设置了某个表的索引,那我理解的正确的做法不是回滚,而是创建一个新的迁移文件,并在...
Let’s get started with our first model and migration—the Article. The article should have a title and a body field, as well as a creation date. Laravel provides several commands through Artisan—Laravel’s command line tool—that help us by generating files and putting them in the correct...
It will generate the_setup_countries_table.phpmigration and theCountriesSeeder.phpseeder. To make sure the data is seeded insert the following code in theseeds/DatabaseSeeder.php //Seed the countries $this->call('CountriesSeeder'); $this->command->info('Seeded the countries!'); You may now...
Imagine that you need to build a way to display posts. While you could manually create a controller, create a model, create a migration and populate it with the schema, and then create a table seeder...why not let the generator do that?
Create the Migration File After creating the model file and declaring the$fillablearray, you must create the migration file using the command below: php artisan make:migration create_comments_table Note:The naming convention for creating migrations in Laravel is usuallysnake_case, also known asunders...
Laravel 允许你将任何表分配给任何 Eloquent Model Instance。这不是必需的,但以相应表的单数形式命名 Model Instances 是一个好习惯。这个名字应该是它所代表的表名的单数形式。如果你必须使用不遵循这个一般规则的名字,你可以通过在 Model Instance 内部设置受保护的$table变量来这样做。