phpinclude_once'./p.php';include_once'./pp.php';$a=newpp();$a->notify(1111);echoPHP_EOL;//$a->aa(1111); //pp::notify(1111); p.php 父类 <?phpclassp {publicfunctionnotify($ddd) {print_r(get_class($this) . 'notify111111111');echoPHP_EOL; }publicstaticfunctionrefund() {ech...
在laravel 框架中,一般使用链式操作来对数据库进行相关的增删改查。那么如何查看我们执行的sql 呢?
1.入口文件public/index.php 2.启动准备阶段是require_once __DIR__.’/../bootstrap/app.php’部分,主要实现了服务容器的实例化和基本注册,包括服务容器本身注册、基础服务提供者注册、核心类另名注册和基本路径注册等 3.Kernel类$middleware(中间件)和$routeMiddleware(路由中间件),中间件是请求进入路由前的处理...
Facades 为应用程序的服务容器中可用的类提供“静态”接口。与传统的静态方法调用不同,Facades 是可被 mock 的。我们可以使用 shouldReceive 方法 mock 对静态外观方法的调用,该方法将返回 Mockery mock 的实例。// 实际代码$value = Cache::get('key');// 测试Cache::shouldReceive('get')->once()->with(...
->once() ->with('key') ->andReturn('value'); 🔗来源 Q11:Eager Loading 有什么好处,何时使用? 主题:Laravel 难度: ⭐⭐⭐ 当访问 Eloquent 关系作为属性时,关系数据是 “Lazy Loaded” 的。这意味着直到您首次访问该属性,关系数据才被实际加载。但是,Eloquent 可以在查询父模型时 “...
1<?php2require_once('BaseModel.php');3/**4* Created by PhpStorm.5* User: lvyahui6* Date: 2016/3/317* Time: 16:358*/9classApkClassextendsBaseModel10{11protected$table= 'apk_class';12} 在需要进行数据库操作中引入初始化文件和模型文件即可以使用 ...
'/Helpers/*.php') as $filename){ require_once($filename); } } } We now need to register the HelperServiceProvider and create an alias for our helpers. Open /config/app.php file Locate the providers array variable Add the following line App\Providers\HelperServiceProvider::class, ...
Once the scope has been defined, you may call the scope methods when querying the model. However, you do not need to include the scope prefix when calling the method. You can even chain calls to various scopes, for example: $users = App\User::popular()->active()->orderBy('created_at...
Once you have edited the Homestead.yaml to your liking, run the vagrant up command from your Homestead directory. Vagrant will boot the virtual machine and automatically configure your shared folders and Nginx sites.To destroy the machine, you may use the vagrant destroy --force command....